Favorite version?

I've seen the 1960 and the 90s version and of course i prefer the original, i was wondering what other peoples opinions were on it.
- X -

It Wont Rain All The Time, The Sky wont Fall Forever


I prefer this version to the other one. Perhaps it's because I saw this version first. I also like George Sanders. Black and White made things seem much more sinister. That's just my opinion.
I'm watching it again now.


1960 by far.


after listening to the radio adaptation of "nineteen eighty four" i should've given up on bbc radio dramas like i've given up on their news channel, but just as 1984 i love this story and urged to hear the radio adaptation (titled "the midwich cuckoos"), i'm used to cbs amazing "twilight zone radio dramas", straight off i couldn't get into the groove with this heavy accent ("ahum... i am speaking english, sir. you are the one with the accent") on an overlong radio drama, a lot of screams and noises hurt the ear, especially the end, sometimes i feel i have to turn off, they do realise it has to be listen able, the kids sound funny though, but twilight zone packs an amazing story on one disc with a reasonable running time, it wasn't nearly as disappointing as the adaptation of 1984 though, which was basically two hours of bad language and humping, in the radio dramatization of this i particularly liked the church bit and sound effects, a kid reads the credits, sounds hilarious, that was something new.


this one way street,
call me a fool cant help it,
code and i cant break it,
though you let me down,
wont let it frown,
pay up wont get anything back,
on a one way street made burnin tracks,
like you got headlights off and cant see whats going on,
there when you need,
from the beginning been on a one way street.


Original. Among other things, George Sanders was much better than Christopher Reeve.


True but I think the 1995 version is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.
