Well, I actually meant that "tongue in cheek."
But I will elaborate.
For whatever reasons -- reasons arrived at over years and years of "pursuit" of the film -- Psycho has emerged as my favorite movie. Not "the best movie ever made." As we all know, there really isn't one of those. Though there are a GROUP of them.
So...my favorite movie...a movie 60 years old and not quite the "epic" that "Gone With the Wind" was -- has sold out a theater. People still like it. People still value it.
I'm proud.
BTW: No, I wasn't involved in the making of Psycho. But all of us film fans are involved in the "making" of the success of a movie in theaters, on TV, in writings....the greatest of films end up bringing us into their "aura" and we make them what they become: legendary. Star Wars and Star Trek are perhaps the biggest examples of this. Meanwhile, Hitchcock himself (and other filmmakers) said that they make the movie and story that THEY think is important...and then watch as the rest of us give our OWN meanings and interpretations to THEIR story. When that happens, we ARE involved in the making of Psycho and other films.