What a piece of garbage

The entire message of the original Seven Samurai is lost on this. The farmers won, we lost. YOU CAME BACK TO SAVE THEM ON YOUR OWN VOLITION, EVERYONE IS FRIGGING SMILING, THAT IDIOT GOT THE GIRL WHEN HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO, AND THERE'S HAPPY MUSIC PLAYING. It makes no damn sense.

It makes no sense to hire "men" (lol), when you can just buy guns instead. Guns made skilled warriors obsolete. Hiring seven samurai made sense before the gunpowder age, but guns gave an unskilled peasant the ability to undermine a skilled warrior who trained his entire life. This fact is the reason why every samurai was killed by matchlock fire, it was an allusion to the end of the samurai. BUT THIS POWERFUL MESSAGE IS COMPLETELY LOST IN THIS FILM.

There's so many other stupid things, and things that make no sense in this film, but I can't be bothered to list them all. 1/10, a bastardization of the original. I cringe at the idea that THIS movie is being remade. *shudders*


I agree with everything you said, but i still liked the movie. I like it for what it is, but the points you make i agree with.

Seven Samurai is a 10/10 this is a 7 or so

Favorite films of all time list


You don't understand what a classic masterpiece means.


This is one of my favorites, and I've also seen the samurai movie. I can honestly say I have tried to watch the samurai movie twice and fell asleep both times. But then, I've tried "Seventh Seal" three times and haven't made it through once. Cure for insomnia, both of them.


"The Magnificent Seven" was based on the idea of "Seven Samurai". It wasn't intended to be a literal remake, or to deliver the same message (if there even was one). It was adapted to fit the Mexican frontier setting and late 19th century time. It was made primarily to be entertaining, a goal it achieved spectacularly. The "powerful message" about samurai being killed by matchlock fire would have been irrelevant in "The Magnificent Seven" because the farmers were using guns to confront bandits who also had guns. Once the villagers had guns, they were technologically equal to the criminals. Yet they also needed the expertise of men (and I use the term un-ironically) who were experienced in the use of modern weapons to teach them how to use them and encourage them by example to build their confidence. "The Magnificent Seven" was inspired by "Seven Samurai", it wasn't intended to be merely "Seven Samurai" in cowboy hats. But that's exactly what you seem to have been expecting, so you missed the entire point.


I disagree with the OP's premise.


It's "The Magnificent Seven", not "Seven Samurai". It has its own message. It's a great, fun movie. Tragic that you can't appreciate the opportunity its makers offered you to be entertained.
