The same sort of thing is used in haunted houses and amusement parks today. Show a dummy "getting electrocuted" with it jerking around, some buzzing, maybe even some sparks, then put a vibration through a platform others are standing on or the railing they're holding onto and voila - everyone's convinced they're being shocked.
A few years back I went to Las Vegas and visited
The Star Trek Experience before it shut down, at The Hilton. It was a live action show with actors and your are moved from room to room like in a real starship. At one point in the show, The Borg are "assimilating" you while we are sitting in an auditorium, and the seat start poking you with these small, slow pistons like they are inserting their cyborg implants. It was pretty cool.
At some of these scary shows back then, they would have a Nurse in the lobby of the theater for those that felt "overcome" by the gimmicks and shocking things in the movie. My mom saw most of them growing up, and got me hooked on horror at an early age. g