MovieChat Forums > Rio Bravo (1959) Discussion > More Dean Martin films?

More Dean Martin films?

I adore Dean Martin as a singer and just started watching films in which he was cast. Does anyone know of other films with him, but without Jerry Lewis?

Sorry I just can't stand Lewis's acting.


I would heartily recommend The Young Lions, Career, Ocean's 11, ADA, Toys in the
Attic, Texas Across the River, Rough Night in Jericho, Kiss Me Stupid, and Who
Was That Lady and finally All in a Night's Work.


Oh my! - On a Rio Bravo message board and someone asks for more Dean Martin movies and you didn't mention "The Sons Of Katie Elder" - shame on you (just kidding) All the Dino movies listed are good examples.


another of dean martin's great films although he has a small part is what a way to go. I am a big dino fan. he along with walter brennan steal the show in rio bravo.


5 card stud was not too shabby either good story,good cast


Talk about john wayne much bett
El Dorado (1966)
True Grit (1969) ....

Alamo, The (1960) ....
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (1962)
Best wayne movies


Thank you sooo much for reminding me of that awesome movie!! I just asked my Mom tonight if John Wayne and Dean Martin made any other movies. Love, love The Sons Of Katie Elder!!

I'd like to leave you with one simple thought: the best is yet to
come.-Whit-Adventures In Odyssey


All listed are good Dino movies but a few other good fliks from him are Four For Texas (a film with Frank AND Dean AND Ursula AND the Iceberg AND the Three Stooges - even if it's from the Joe era - can't be bad), and my greatest guilty pleasure, Cannonball Run (is that stuff good to drink?). Some Came Running is a solid Dino flik, too. Anything from his variety show is bound to be pretty entertaining as well.



in addition to some of the great films listed here i'd like to add Some Came Running w/ frank sinatra & shirley maclaine. good movie but not available on dvd to my knowledge.


I see that no one has mentioned my second favorite Dino western besides "Rio Bravo", and that's "Five Card Stud". Which is a good western mystery, where Dino plays a gambler who is trying to find out why members of a poker game is was part of, that became a lych party when a member was found out to be cheating, is getting killed. Dino is quite good in it and he gets to make love to the beautiful inger Stevens. Robert mitchum is a preacher in it and Roddy McDowell is wonderful as the slime who led the lynch party and hits Dino over the head when he tried to stop it. Try his Matt Helm films too, as well has his really good performance in "Airport".


Thank you all!

"Get busy living, or get busy dying"
(The Shawshank Redemption)


Matt Helm? I wouldn't recommend those movies. They are the bottom of the barrel of the 60s 007 spoof genre. Though if you watch The Silencer, you'll see the origin of a lot of the material in Austin Powers.


"Robin and the Seven Hoods." Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammie Davis Jr, and Bing Crosby. The icons of 50s music. You can't ask for more.


"Bells are Ringing" is cute if you like musicals...He stars with Judy Holliday in it.


I'd like to draw attention to a Dean Martin Western noted above, which is "special":

"Rough Night in Jericho."

What's special is that Dino plays the VILLAIN, an evil town boss who has henchmen to do s ome killing, but who beats and kills people on his own quite readily.

George Peppard plays the hero.


Airport 1970




He plays Jimmy Stewart's brother(!) in "Bandolero!", which is a quirky Western that moves from a more upbeat/funny beginning to a Peckinpah-ish second half.


I enjoyed Martin in SHOWDOWN with Rock Hudson. Also 4 FOR TEXAS, SOME CAME RUNNING.

"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whiskey, and 14 karat gold?"
