I never entered the Twilight Zone world that was the former IMDB forum, and have only recently discovered it here on MC. Much to my delight!
What a great community you all are. Obviously many of you know one another from the old IMDB board, and I'm delighted that so many of you have been able to be reunited.
I'm a newcomer, and know virtually none of the TZ episode titles, but do remember many of the plots and actors from having watched the show, especially in the many marathons that have been shown over the years. I'm impressed that so many of you know the episodes so intimately, and love reading your discussions.
Thanks cat. I posted a few times on the old board and now I'm getting to know the survivors here. If you like why don't you go to wiki read some titles and join us. Its really fun and I find myself really getting into it. The episodes leave somewhat to the imagination and seeing thoughts or sharing my own have lead to really great discussions.
Strannger, I'm happy to hear you're being reunited with the survivors from the IMDB board, and getting to know some new posters here.
Since I don't own any of the DVDs, I should take a closer look at Wiki's list of the episodes. I'm in the midst of watching The Incredible World of Horace Ford, thanks to Jennie providing a YouTube link to it. Having a difficult time believing that after all of these years, and the many marathons aired, there are any episodes I haven't seen, but there you are. Until tonight, thanks to Doug, I had no idea any were longer than 30 minutes. So, nice for me that there are a number of them I never have seen. (Lucky me, eh?)
I'll be joining you as I can. This was a great series, and even though I'm nowhere near everyone here as far as knowing the titles, or all of the actors, or all of the plots, I'll do my best.
Mostly I wanted to say how impressed I am with what a great community this is, and how glad I am I stumbled upon it (meaning all of you), thanks to MovieChat.
Don't worry about it, Kiddo. Best advice? Sit back and enjoy the ride. You may not need as many repeat viewings per ep as with Mad Men, but you're in for a treat.
Thanks for the welcome, PJPurple! It was a great show, very innovative for its time, and still remains so in many ways. The Outer Limits, which tried to ride on its coattails, was decent, but never as good at the TZ.
Though I agree that "The Outer Limits" never quite equaled "TZ" episode like "Don't Open Till Doomsday," "The Guests" and "It Crawled Out of The Woodwork" certainly tapped into a weirdness wholly unique and quite impressive for sixties TV.
I'm not worried about it at all. Except for my having to say "do you remember the one where X did X?" rather than having the episode title, or actors' names, at my mind's fingertips, so to speak, as so many here obviously do ;)
Still trying to finish up Horace, but it's not engaging me.
Nice to see you too, Strannger. I've missed a lot of the regulars, particularly in the General Discussions board.
This board, though, seems to be a great culture unto itself, which has (thankfully) regathered here on MC, and I've been lucky enough to discover it, thanks to the Trending area Jim has installed.
Thank you, Catbookss. This is one of the best if not THE BEST board I've encountered since the demise of the IMDB boards. For some reason The Twilight Zone has inspired many on Moviechat to post, and it's a joy to see such rekindled enthusiasm since the Fall, and inspiring. They're trying over at IMDB v.2 but it's maybe too big and sprawling, or maybe people are hoping for too much too soon. Things just appear, then disappear too quickly there. The pace here is about right.
Hi Telegonus. I had my own favorite boards on IMDb, before The Purge, which I posted on frequently, and they were great. But thus far, I've found this board to be one of if not the best on MC. I love this intelligent and insightful community, and am very much appreciative of all of you.