Clift had been hurt in a car accident before starring in Young Lions and the sad irony here is just four years after his iconic role in From Here To Eternity, he's basically replaying his Pruitt character as Ackerman.
The difference here is that Monty looks tired and hurt in this role. It's obvious that the effects of the accident, for which he had reconstructive facial surgery, hurt his performance in this film. Nonetheless, he's very good.
Brando may have done better if he played Christian like in the book, and a real German actor, like Hardy Kruger, would have been much more convincing and realistic. Brando was trying to make a political statement by softening the character, and it's a reason why The Young Lions never achieved true classic status as a war movie, like The Dirty Dozen and Patton did.
In 1958, most Americans didn't want to see sympathetic Nazi soldiers at the movies. WWII was still fresh in the minds of moviegoers and veterans alike.
Even so, Young Lions was a big hit, and it kinda holds up.
This is the first hollywood movie that shows the death camps. I don't remember any war movies before this one that showed anything having to do with the holocaust.