what a horrible movie

this ran at a retirement home the other day. only watched the first 45 minutes and it was awful. thank goodness musicals are passe.


Some films must be viewed more than once. Recently, I saw "Mamma Mia" and thought it was the worst musical I ever saw. I viewed it again and again, and now, it is one of my favorite films. I figured-out why. For my first viewing, I had a very bad day and was in a nasty mood. Any film I watched that evening would be horrible. "South Pacific" was never one of my favorite musicals but as I aged, I realized how meaningful and great it was. The story and those songs are classics. I always resented Ms. Gaynor for playing the lead; I wanted Doris Day but she was under contract to another studio. Remember that they wanted Shirley Temple as Dorothy in "Oz".


Perhaps not the greatest movie musical, but Rodgers & Hammerstein's South Pacific songs are amongst their very best and save the movie from its shortcomings.


To be honest I liked this film, in my opinion todays films aren't as good as this one.


Your immaturity is showing.



Is it a great film, "NO" of course not. Is it worth watching "YES". The score is classic. The songs are some of the best written songs ever produced. If your not a musical fan then this film will not win you over. If you love the score of the musical then you will be disappointed in this film the TV Version of the Musical is only watchable at times.

If you want to see a great production see the production that was filmed in front of an audience that is now out on DVD.


One of the BEST MOVIES EVER!!!
It's so sad to see those that call themselves "a new generation" when the are recognizably naive, uneducated and lack cinema history.
These "critics" are visibly showing their lack of movie knowledge.
If they continue to watch great movies - the will soon see how simple and silly their unschooled comments are.


Incredible music and lyrics. Rodgers & Hammerstein wrote some very meaningful songs with powerful sentiments, i.e. A man living in paradise sings he has lost paradise, they sing “if you loose the one you love, you may live the rest of your life dreaming alone, and so on. This is a story about love lost, gained and regret. And yes, there is a definite point of view established about hate and prejudice. This movie is not about islands in the Pacific. Not about islanders. Not about war. The Pacific Ocean has a background role in this movie. Next time you watch it, check it out, it is often within the frame.

I know that these themes and words have no meaning to some people and that is so sad and pitiable.


I don't understand some of the negative criticism. I get the color filters because that is quite annoying. But you have to also remember the time period and how cool the different technology is to them. To us now the color filter thing does not even hit our radar but back then the director probably was excited and thought it would enhance the film. In an interview he did say that was one of his biggest regrets. When I watch this I view it as a piece of history so it doesn't seem as annoying. I actually started to find it cool, especially during Bali Hai, because the island is such a mystery to us at that moment and Bloody Mary sings of its power so the changing color kind of adds to it in a way. Maybe I am the only person to think that but it works for me.

With the story line, I get that to some it is cheesy but think about their circumstances. In real life these people are stuck on a remote island with hardly any contact with loved ones (besides letters of course)and they go through some tough times together awaiting the impending war. In fact I think it would be quite easy to fall in love with someone really quickly when your stuck on an island and have no idea when or if you will return home. Plus don't forget when the movie begins Nelly and Emile already know and spend time with each other. I love the romance between them. One minute she is saying she is going to wash that man out of her hair and the next she is giddy and dancing on the beach. Nelly is supposed to be a young naive person, and Mitzi Gayner portrays that very well. With Joe Cable, he knows that the mission he has been assigned to do is pretty much a suicide mission (no brainer there). So again, it doesn't surprise me that he develops strong feelings for Liat in such a short time. Plus don't forget to us, watching the movie, it seems like a short amount of time. But in reality the whole movie is most likely 1-2 months, maybe even 3, worth of time.

How can anyone criticize the use of racism in this movie? This story is set in WWII era when racism was still very prominent. One person said they don't feel for Nelly or Joe, are you kidding? Most every person in this time period was in some way racist, so based on that you shouldn't feel for most people in that time period at all. I think it is so important to maintain historical accuracy, especially that Nelly was dramatic about it (she was also a young naive girl from Little Rock, so of course she was as dramatic as she was!). And I think it was absolutely adorable how it ended with Nelly spending time with Emile's children. She realized when she had to tell Liat that Joe died that she did not want to live without Emile and she didn't care whether he had a wife that was Polynesian just that she loved him. So she spent time getting to know his children, hoping that he would return so she could make amends. I don't understand how you could criticize her for that.

Someone said they didn't like Joe's death. I didn't like it because I love John Kerr and his character, but I think it was necessary for the ending to the story. If he came back it would be almost too happy to be realistic. Also he is a very complex person. It surprises me someone as young as him seemed to volunteer for that mission (Captain Brackett was even shocked he was assigned to lead it) I don't know maybe it's just me. And like I said before I think it added to Nelly getting over the racism that stood between her and Emile's relationship.

I understand musicals aren't everyone's cup of tea, but this one is a masterpiece. The music, the acting, and the story line are so great. I'm sure this version isn't the best anyone could do. I would love to see a new movie version made of this and see if they can top it. The color filter thing is the only negative thing I could say about this. I think it is such a shame that movies nowadays are not as meaningful as these musicals are. I am a college aged student and have a deep appreciation for Rogers and Hammerstein, especially South Pacific.


Great post, thanks for sharing your views. I agree with everthing you said.

Jeanne, Gloria, Toby, Mitzi, Eleanor (2), Frances, Deborah, Marion, Alice, Darcey - are adorable.


Strongly disagree that it is horrible or that it is a 6.7. It is the genre that is under attack, not the production values which were difficult and done away from a sound stage. It is a classic American musical and touches on a number of subjects - loved the music, loved the setting, and it is romantic despite the negativity of some reviews. Also noted, John Kerr who played Lt. Cable recently died after years of practice as a successful attorney. Thus, I endorse your assessment.


Thanks for restoring faith, it was getting wobbly for a moment. It's a shame we've let things erode to the extent that we have, and rather than blame the younger generation (for what? following along after us, the custodians, who've let it crumble), I tend to passively read negative comments, despairing somewhat, until you came along. So, again, thanks.


Anybody who thinks this is a horrible movie, is either in a horrible mood or ought to have her head examined or holes.


I really hope you read my comments.
You want attention so badly ,dont you? Just like hundreds of other idiots who post" Worst movie ever" comments. How stupid can you be? You have no taste and no intelligence,obviously, like all the other attention-seekers who make dumb comments.
Musicals are NOT passe,either dumbo.


I've read all the comments on this post. The consensus seems to be that South Pacific was a great Broadway show but just a good movie. Like many other great shows, it didn't transfer well as a movie.

Well, there is a solution and not just an ordinary one. The Broadway Revival that began on April 3, 2008 features Kelli O'Hara and Paulo Szot. It ran until August of 2010. I've never seen the original but it's hard to believe it could be better than this.

The best news of all? It's available on youtube. Here's a link to Part 1.

