Certain scenes scary, but others flawed
The first time I saw this movie I was really into that last scene, the climax...but upon watching it again, not so much. I imagine today with CGI, it would be even better. Now on one of the flaws...that i have noticed...wasn't Dracula suppose to be superior in strength, and yet he is shown always running away from Van Hesling..There is the scene where they were in the friends home and the maid mentioned the magic word to Van Hesling..."Cellar" and he is seen rushing down to the basement and see the empty coffin, and in a flash, Dracula is seen opening the door to find Van Hesling there and again runs away from him. Now, obvious there had to be a climax such as was shone, but he could have attacked Van Hesling right then and there....there was no curtains to open and candles to create a crucifix.