God, this was awful.

Jimmy, Kim and Jack are three of my favorites in the classic movie genre (that's why I rented it!), but this was just so bad. I didn't even make it all the way through this. Why did Jack Lemmon waste his talent on movies like this? Not just this movie, but so many other stupid comedies. Anyway, just glad I didn't buy this on a whim!

Jesus is coming. Look busy.


I felt this would had been much better with Lemmon as the lead.

It's that man again!!


Lemmon wasn't a star then, and he was never the romantic lead type. He managed to get by in The Apartment and a few other goofball comedies, if the lead called for a goofball, but this lead in this movie was far from a goofball.


Flame bait, by a religious poster who has a problem with fantasy movies. One wonders why she rented a fantasy movie in the first place.

This is from a poster who rated the movies George Wallace and Tootsie 10, but rated Casablanca a 2. Let's say that again: George Wallace & Tootsie - 10; Casablance - 2.

'Nuff said.
