MovieChat Forums > Paths of Glory (1957) Discussion > Paths of Glory or Full Metal Jacket?

Paths of Glory or Full Metal Jacket?

I liked both films but I think Full Metal is much stronger. I know both movies depict different aspects of war, but I think FMJ's message is much more powerful. Paths of Glory is all about greed and one's own reputation, while FMJ is all about the stripping of one's own humanity to the point where they become killing machines. Due to that, I personally believe FMJ is much darker and a stronger film. What's everyone else's opinion?


paths of glory, by a wide margin.

while the first part of fmj is great, that's solely due to r lee ermey's amazing performance. otherwise the whole film is pretty average.

fmj did provide the 2 live crew with a good hook, though...


I like both but i choose Full Metal Jacket

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


Paths of glory

Its that man again!!


I give FMJ a 9. Paths gets a 10. I don't agree with your assessment at all by the way. You over-simplify both films, which is shameful quite frankly. Now bend over an I'll spank you.


'Paths of Glory' by a wiiiiide margin, in my book. 'Full Metal Jacket' has always had the feel of a 'boys movie', one half showing R.Lee Ermey screaming at Vincent D'Onofrio, and the second half ... I don't even recall what happened in the second half, it is very much like any other war picture, and obviously not a rememberable one (I would watch it again though, but only due to Stanley Kubrick's credits).

I just watched 'Paths' again, for the first time in twentysomething years, and it still has an incredible impact as the first time around, if not more so. Excellent directing and staging, good acting and a downright bizarre but, sadly enough, totally believable and realistic story - it makes any effort to show the cruelity and senselessness of war filmed thereafter pretty obsolete.



Full Metal Jacket but that is because I am a Vietnam vet and can relate to the lies of that war first hand. I will say that Kirk Douglas' acting was better than any of the characters in FMJ.

...reifications are the shadows cast by the opacity of language


Paths of Glory


love them both, but I think its Paths of Glory for me. it just brings out more emotion.

in paths of glory you get a good look at who is responsible for the injustice.

in Full Metal Jacket the cause is pretty much "the system" , yes it has its cronies, but the villains are much clearer in paths of glory.

both amazing films


I like full metal jacket better than paths of glory but they were both pretty good films but full metal jacket is one of my all-time favorites. But to be fair I just saw paths of glory for the first time tonight and I have seen full metal jacket many times, so I am a little bit biased in favor of it. And I think most people on this board would probably say paths of glory simply because we are on the message board for that particular film. If you post the same exact thing on the full metal jacket board you might find the opposite results.
