Re: Mrs Cleaver

Are there any episodes that revolve around her? That doesn't have her either cooking or cleaning in every scene? I know these are old-school days, but that's all I've seen her do in every episode I've watched. Running around in your Sunday's best all day just looks so unrealistic. Funny how times change because you can't show things like this now.


The closest I can think of is when Beaver buys her the ugly Paris blouse and promises to wear it to a Woman's club meeting but switches it after Beaver leaves for school only to have him show up to sing for the club and sees that she lied to him about liking the blouse.


Are there any episodes that revolve around Ward? The show is about Beaver and his family. It's one of my favorite shows because the relationships, and a lot of the humor, are timeless. So close to my own family. Except for the cleaning in Sunday's best part. : )


There was one episode where June was in a very skimpy bikini, and got in a swimming pool, which wet her hair down and got rid of her matronly hairdo. She looked hot as hell, and about twenty years younger. I don't think that show ever airs in the syndication package.
