Better than I expected

Years and years since I watched it and I expected it to drag a bit. And it is quite stagey and static in places with some of the scenes apparently lifted from films of 30 years earlier as everyone froze in dramatic poses.
But it also has a very watchable cast with a lot of finer details of the story to tell. It's interesting to think about the broader scope of the story itself as a reflection of history and that the most rational person seemed to be the pharaoh. The scenes where the Israelites left with a chaotic assemblage of wagons, sleds or yokes to carry everything looked impractical then I remembered this is what you see when refugees flee and it became more real. I also particularly enjoyed the cinema photography - the sharpness and the colours. So yeah, plenty to enjoy in this old film.




History(!) (snorts)


History in the sense that the bible probably/possibly reflects the folk memories of a particular tribe, plus stories common to the region, over a long period of time in a part of the world with a deep history of early civilisations.


I would like to think there are more OFFICIAL historical records of 2000+ years ago than just the Bible, which is allegorical at best.


Who cares if it's real or not? Just enjoy it as a piece of Entertainment


Agree, some people lose their minds over minutia. BTW, love your appetizer.


they don't make them like this anymore.


Very good, especially for its time...


It's a classic epic.


I watch it every year when ABC airs it. Watching it right now! 😀


>> with some of the scenes apparently lifted from films of 30 years earlier as everyone froze in dramatic poses.

Care to explain which movies?


I agree, it's an extremely entertaining movie that works on many levels. Yes, it's overblown own and ridiculous, but it's also spectacular and has Yul Brynner at his best! He steals the show, but...

Heston was really a pretty terrible actor, but he could be effective in roles that called for a certain manly, charismatic, dopey sincerity, and a complete lack of subtlety, which is why he works in these huge biblical epics. Brynner still grabs our attention but Heston carries the film, and it works because someone in the cast had to take it seriously!
