Ignoring the hair-style, the actress who played Altaira was QUITE beautiful, yes.
And as for her short skirts, it really depended. There were already "teens in bikini" films being made in the 50s. In fact shorter skirts were just beginning to really come about in the 50s (though "Flapper" dresses made a cameo in the 20s). As for censors kicking up a fuss? I'm sure some did. I'm certain there would have been puritanical types QUITE "offended" by seeing her naughty, offensive legs. But clearly it wasn't enough for the studio to say "HEY, put her in a smock!"
In-story, you also need to keep in mind that Altaira had Robbie make her clothes that she thought would be cool. She had no one but her father to interact with, and no reason to feel she had to "cover up", etc. It also seemed as if the planet was warm enough that she didn't really need to wear much in the first place.