Did Rosemary sleep with Howard?
Is that why she was all of he sudden so desperate for him to marry her? Of course her bravado leading up to that was clearly fake but still.....
shareIs that why she was all of he sudden so desperate for him to marry her? Of course her bravado leading up to that was clearly fake but still.....
shareI doubt it
shareI agree. I think she was desperate to not be an "old maid."
shareI believe she did. I'd have to see the movie again (maybe tonight) but I am directing the play and in the script, when they come back, Howard says something to the effect of: 'you were awfully nice to me tonight, Rosemary.' Indicating they did more than just drive around. comments like 'I want to have a good time' also indicate this. And one more, that I can't remember if it's in the movie was something like 'you can't leave without me, not after tonight' meaning since they went to the next level, there has to be more than just a drop her off, see her next week kind of thing.
shareI don't know the play, but I first read it as Howard was a middle-aged gay man and Rosemary was his available beard on the weekend. That way he could still live in that shit town in Kansas and not be killed or run out of town. He really never kissed her or looked romantically interested at all. He was more interested in drinking whiskey to dull the pain. And he looks over 50, so why is he so disgusted by the thought of marriage? I thought, probably gay, and just barely getting through his miserable life with the help of booze.
On second thought, he very well may have had sex with Rosemary, but he sure didn't act like he did when he dropped her off. He acted like he probably acted every other time he dropped her off on their dates. No kiss, just see you next week. I think she wanted to marry because she realized she already was an old maid and this might be her last shot at a husband.