MovieChat Forums > Mister Roberts (1955) Discussion > I Would LOVE To See a Remake with Tom Ha...

I Would LOVE To See a Remake with Tom Hanks!

This is one of my favorite movies of all time!
I have seen probably 50 times and in the past few years every time I watch it I cant help to think what a great remake this would be if it was done right and Tom Hanks would make a perfect Mister Roberts!

Jack Nicholson as the Captain
Mathew Perry (maybe) as Ensign Pulver

And Steven Spielberg Directing!!!

I would love to see that!

"Watch the Heart!......Spike...aka William The Bloody


Actually there is a good case to be made for making a new movie based upon the novel. If you've read the novel you'll recall that it is much more like the real Navy (in which I've served): The men are very randy, curse, spend time making liquor below decks and go crazy when they are on liberty. The movie, while very good, is nothing but a G version of an R-rated novel that is a much more realistic depiction of real life in the Navy.

In the book Lt. Roberts and Ensign Pulver make lead pellets which they shoot at the Captain's ass while he sits on deck watching a movie. They go below decks to drink "home made" liquor with some of the enlisted men. In another scene the "Old Man" asks Roberts to tell him what the crew really thinks of him and Roberts responds "They think you're a prick." These and other vignettes serve to show why Mr. Roberts was so beloved by the crew—he was a hellraiser!

A modern remake of "Mr. Roberts" would capture a new audience and if it was faithful to the novel it would be an R-rated adult comedy that would probably be very popular.



tom hanks would be as intresting in this role as henry fonda paint drying..........nicholson though, would be SUPERB......hanks, like fonda would pale in comparison


I'm broken hearted you've missed the real talent in this film. Mr. Roberts, by 2008 standards, is incredibly boring and corny. Even in 1955, the film is weakened by the staginess that all stage plays suffer from when adapted to the screen. But Fonda's and the late, great liberal activist Jack Lemmon's performances can only be described as, "corn on the cob."

The real enduring cinema, what survives six decades, is the comedic acting of James Cagney and William Powell, two veteran actors who steal every scene they are in, with their great comedic acting ability, and veteran professionalism. These scenes remain as funny as they were in 1955, due only to the great ability of the actors.

Jackoff Nicholson, Mattphew Perry, Steven Pussyberb, these pretenders can only imagine the acting ability of Cagney and Powell. Their performances are classic, and will be remembered long after these amatuers become food for the worms. lol


I'm so tired of Tom Hanks, I wish he'd take a ten-year vacation.


I 1984, there was a made-for-TV remake. It was not very good.
Robert Hays (Airplane" was very flat as Mr Roberts, Kevin Bacon was a wimpy, wishy-washy Pulver (his climactic scene pounding on the Captain's door was way too polite and almost apologetic), Charles Durning did his usual quality work as the Captain, and Howard Hesseman, IMO stole the show with a superb performance as Doc.
Remakes are tough when the original has as iconic a cast as this one.
Hanks would be good as Roberts except he is now a bit old for the part. I have to think a bit more about the other roles.
