...I love this movie, and I watched it again recently. I must admit I felt something "strange" though, and after looking at Wikipedia (look up the movie yourself if you wish), I knew I was somewhat right. I must admit it shocked me a bit, but be it true or simple speculations, it doesn't remove the movie's beauty. It doesn't matter if it had happened or not. The message may be there, but you can simply ignore it and still love the movie, and safely show it to kids.
...As for children not picking up certain "things" until they grow up, I completely agree. I have many anatomy's books at home, so I knew already how a human body is made (every single organ of both the male and the female) before I was ten years old. They were illustrated, too.
...I knew about eggs and sperm and all that jazz, too, but I didn't truly understood how the heck they could "meet" 'till I was about 12-13. My strictly female hormones were kicking in by then. This is a knowledge we all have inside, and we must learn it, either by ourself (like me), or by external "aid".