MovieChat Forums > On the Waterfront (1954) Discussion > Good film/bloody awful music

Good film/bloody awful music

I just watch On The Waterfront - and was pleasantly entertained, finding the movie full of excellent acting, nice dialogue and a well presented storyline.
However - the music score was bloody atrocious - I felt as if I was getting a headache a couple of times with the discordant instruments knifing in and out of the scenes. Nice film, AWFUL music.


THANK YOU. The music itself isn't bad but I hated the way it was used in this film. So distracting.


I came here to say the same thing; the relentlessly obnoxious score nearly ruined the movie for me. Not only is it too loud and intrusive but often it is completely incongruous with the scene it is underscoring. The overture music played over the credits was brilliant and I thought that the somber melodies would continue through the film. The music is often too frantic for scenes that are static or scenes that don't need any music at all. I kept expecting a rumble a la Jets and Sharks to happen at any moment. Leonard Bernstein is one of the greatest American composers but his work for "On the Waterfront" would have better suited an action or thriller. It just did not fit this quiet and contemplative film.

Count each day as a gift; you never know when the wrapping paper's going to run out.


While there are a few scenes over-scored (Kazan is as much to blame), I generally like the score. Certainly not "awful".

People hungry for the voice of god
Hear lunatics and liars


Agree with the OP. The score is one of the biggest drawbacks of the movie.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


The score is obviously loud and over the top. But it is what it is for that time period.

A lot of the scores in the 1950's come off overbearing and trying too hard to induce dramatic effect from the audience.


The score is obviously loud and over the top. But it is what it is for that time period.

No, not even close to being true. This score was exceptionally bad (and loud) for its time, which is why everyone's making a big deal about it and not other movies made during that period.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


The music was way overdone. During the quiet scenes between Brando and Saint, in particular, it was hard to even hear the dialogue, let alone absorb it.
