Whats up with females


I cannot believe this rating from females voters... it is not first time I was shocked with theirs movie rating...

well... basically this movie shows us mistakes made by husbands and womans suffering during japan history....beautiful haunting great music...


It's a recurring pattern on IMDb that 'female' votes are significantly low on certain classic art house films. It is so prevalent a pattern, especially in the 45+ bracket, that it seems to me it is the work of trolls. Why anyone takes these statistics as some measure of women and their taste in film is beyond me. I think it betrays the inherent sexism of male posters who would not utter such idiotic remarks in another context, even on the IMDb. The idea that women like films that feature a 'beefcake' is the worst remark here.

A bird sings and the mountain's silence deepens.


I've noticed over the years that women on this site vote lower for films than the men do.


Brother, tell me about it...


Look at the further breakdown:


215 of the 542 '45+ females' gave it 1/10. 83 'non-US members' gave it 1/10. 512 'US members' gave it 1/10. Of '45+ males', 244 of them gave it 1/10. 459 of the 626 members who gave it 1/10 were '45+ male/female members' mainly residing in the US. Younger people enjoyed the film more than older people.

So it's not that females dislike this film, it's those who are older who dislike this film (male and female) and mainly those from the US.



I am on the road less traveled...
