To git Danny....!!!!

Hi all you loverly Calamity fans.

Was wondering if any of you guys have a favourite line from Calamity Jane?

My friend Carol and I love to do this when one of us is leaving to go somewhere.

"Where ya goin Calam?"

"To git Danny!"

It cracks us up!!!!

Any favourites share.

from Calamity Tara x


Why don't I send for the Queen of Sheba?>Milly
No good they want Adelaide.>Calam.[So clueless]
I agree with the other posters that reference
"Silk, Pure silk. I bet her mother spun 'em." I love that!
This does have a lot of great catchy lines, from everybody.
Milly> I think I'll take a long walk off a short precipice.
Calam>You can save your hunches for girls that get their picture took in long underwear, I ain't one of "em.
This along with Oklahoma and Girl Crazy are my favorite of the "Western musical" genre...They also have some real fun, catchy quotes. One of my favorites from Girl Crazy "Oh the things you see, when you haven't got a gun!" Ginger Gray [Judy Garland}.
Have you guys ever seen Rustler's Rhapsody, I also love that movie, so much fun!


I can't remember the context but I think it is something about Buffalo Bill and Danny fighting over Katie and Calam walking in ,sensing the tension and she says something like "What's the matter? Injun trouble?" Also love the "I bet her mother spun 'em" line. Like so many of these lines, you have to be there: it's in the delivery. Doris Day for an honorary Oscar...before it's too late!


"Make mine Sasperilli", "I didn't save you for no other female", "Oh why don't you fix your hair?", and "...come to think of it, that ain't so funny!"


"Looks like a fat, frilled-up side of undressed BEEF to me! ...And I could look the same! Ceptin' I got certain i-deas about modesty!"

"Throw THAT in with the rest of her man traps!!"

The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.


'Next time ah tell ah storeh keep yuh hands in ya pockets, ya toothless old buffalo!'
