Favorite Lines from the flick

One is...
"I'm no stray dog you can pick up, and I like my neck without a collar."


"I know a sure cure for a nosebleed, a cold knife in the middle of the back."


"I said thanks.... THANKS FOR NOTHIN'!"


There's a garbled line, and it's an important one, that it took me 20+ attempts to understand, so I'll reproduce it for general elucidation.

It's from the scene where Romano and Kane are beating up on Rolfe after learning that he isn't Harris.

Kane: I'll pinpoint it for you, chum. PETE HARRIS AND ME DID A DEUCE TOGETHER AT JOLIET.


Insurance Agent- "(You) left school to join the Engineers. Good soldier, too. Bronze Star, Purple Heart..."

Rolfe- "Try and buy a cup of coffee with them."


He could have sold them on EBay.


Yeah, for a couple of bucks each...


Ebay! Ha.


Kane: I'll pinpoint it for you, chum. PETE HARRIS AND ME DID A DEUCE TOGETHER AT JOLIET.

While doing two years in stir, Kane and Harris probably dropped a deuce together at least once.


dropped a deuce”


There is a scene in the hotel lobby where Boyd says to Tomaso (referring to Lee Van Cleef:)

"Who is that vaseline?"

I assume it means slippery character, and that's pretty funny if so.


SpacemanBob, it also may have referred to the hair tonic he doused his hair with. At any rate, it is a funny line.


Pete Harris: Okay wise guy, you found me. Now what?
Joe Rolfe: What's eatin' you?
Pete Harris: You been giving me the fisheye all night.

Pete Harris was played by Jack Elam, who used his out-of-kilter left eye to carve out a great career - and - he's the one to make the fisheye comment! I nearly sprayed my coffee as at first I thought it a clever inside joke but now believe it was played straight.


Joe: How about the fellow at the pool table?

Teresa: Ah, that is Señor Kane. He arrived this morning. But he's not very sociable. All the time he's chewing bubble gum.

Joe: And the other fellow?

Teresa: Ah, you mean Señor Romano. Now that one, he is very sociable.
