Why is this movie liked?

This is a seriuos thread. For classic movies to me its very much a hit or miss deal, and this one was a miss. I do not understand how would this movie get to TOP 250. Heck, how could this movie even be above 5.
So some fans may try to enlighten me. I am always open to new ideas, but so far i just cant see what is good about this movie at all. It feels poorly written, overacted movie that isnt so much a movie as filmed stageplay (seriously, the sets didnt do much for adaptation) with pretty much no likable characters.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I'm watching it right now. I'm 53 and always heard great things about it so, thought I'd give it a rip. I'm with you. I'm over 1/2 way through it. Not impressed. If anything, it's kind of annoying. I agree, I think it way over acted. The dialog seems forced. The most interesting thing is seeing Kim Hunter not playing an ape.


Agree with you 100%. It was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Really awful. Not much story, just aggression and hate shown from the characters. It didn't go anywhere. Definitely overrated. As you say, how is it even above a five. I'd give it zero.


I myself didn't like the movie. I just thought it was very cruel.


because it's a character piece and c.p. don't get made anymore.


It is not necessary to like the characters in a novel, play, or film in order to find it interesting or entertaining. I don't really care much for any of the characters in "A Streetcar Named Desire", especially not Blanche, but it's an engrossing story, well-written, directed, acted, and photographed. Marlon Brando is overrated as far as his entire movie career is concerned, but this was one of the films in which he was at his best.


Agreed, just saw this last night and fucking hated it. Thought the story was laughably absurd and melodramatic, with unconvincing character behavior and psychology. Have no idea why this film nor the play it was based on is so revered to this day.


I think its loved and considered a classic generally more than simply liked. Possibly for the script, acting, direction, stylish camera work etc.
