they didn't justify Brunos reasons for hating his father so much.
The whole movie Bruno is just obsessed with getting Guy to kill his is pretty much eating at him as if it pains him every second longer his father is alive...but why? He may of talked about his dad for a few sentences to Guy on the train, but he didn't really elaborate or really justify why he would want him dead.It was more like you should want your wife dead and HEY! i want my dad dead as well, never mind why I just do heres the plan lol.. I think they did a good job of establishing Guys wife as a cheating,shallow, double crosser..But in the scene where you see the dad..Bruno brushes past him and is like "long distance" he appears to be more the ass.
I think maybe since the time period this movie was made you couldn't go to deep into it....He was clearly gay (bruno)...and maybe it had a lot more to do with his father not accepting his lifestyle and sexual preference rather then wanting him to follow a different career path, and i guess then i could see why they couldn't elaborate..and then again he was nuts so maybe a lot of it was just all in his head anyways.
Maybe i am the only one but I just kept waiting to see scenes where his dad was just this horrible to be around hard ass or something.
and lastly...he was like in his 30's don't like it move out! lol