MovieChat Forums > A Place in the Sun (1951) Discussion > Unfortunately, everytime I saw Monty Cli...

Unfortunately, everytime I saw Monty Clift, I kept seeing...

Montgomery Clift in this movie kept reminding me of Tom Cruise the whole time - if Cruise would actually let himself visually age a bit. Ruins the experience a bit, but there you go.


I thought the same thing when I saw this movie about a month ago, again. I had forgotten that people were comparing Cruise's looks to Clift's when he started becoming famous but it came back to me when I saw this.


well they both have the deep eyes and high cheekbones, and dark hair, with thick brows. The sensitive, "pretty" look, or at least when Tom Cruise was younger in his saner days.
But today's nutcase Tom Cruise would never play Monty Clift, because he was bisexual.


I kept seeing a very young Cliff Robertson. He looked like him in certain profile shots.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Monty Clift is my favorite actor of all time, I never think of any other actor when I'm watching him because he is so uniquely Monty Clift!

"the best that you can do is fall in love"



Well said, lesley6464.


John Travolta had been regarded by many as being a possible successer to Montgomery Clift during his "Welcome Back Cotter" days.


John Travolta had been regarded by many as being a possible successer to Montgomery Clift during his "Welcome Back Cotter" days.

John Travolta from his WBK days was getting compared to Montgomery Clift of all people?! I could maybe slightly (slightly) see Saturday Night Fever, but Welcome Back Kotter? You lost me there.


I can see a slight similarity now that it has been pointed out to me but it never crossed my mind when I watched this film. However Clift had an otherworldly quality to his beauty which Cruise never possessed. His eyes have to be among the most beautiful I have ever seen.



I can see how he resembles Tom Cruise and even Dennis Hopper, but I think he looks an awful lot like Daniel Day Lewis. I didn't notice it though-probably cause their personities are different.


Because he's soft-spoken and even behaves and looks somewhat like him, I was reminded of a young Warren Beatty.


I totally agree with you Electric-Eyes, When I watch his films, - before his terrible car crash, that changed his face completely- I cannot take my eyes off of him. Tom may have been"cute" when he was younger, but Montgomery Clift - WOW! I'm finding it really tough to come up with any OTHER word to describe him except " beautiful".


I haven't seen this film, but the Cruise resemblance hit me when I saw Red River.

Interesting that I had never made the Cruise association when I saw FHTE.



I kept thinking of Cruise and Frank Sinatra of all people with his lean hungry look. I think this is the best Clift looked in a movie and his acting was a blueprint for James Dean and all the actors of that type to follow.

There's nothing for you here so move along please!


he looks a lot like Tom Cruise, especially in profile. they are both so handsome


jeez i dont see cruise at all. Actin wise monty is sails over him.

I see a little guy from nip/tuck albeit he is a bigger man


A more modern day example of similar looks would be Dave Franco, James Franco's brother. I imagine that he could do some black and white still photography that might be indistinguishable from Monty.


I was watching one of Dave Franco's movies and I was thinking the same thing.I thought maybe Im the only one who thinks Franco looks like Monty.But Dave is isnt that tall.Hes about 5'6 and his eyes arent blue.
Nutty Cruise looked like Montgomery in his early mivies like Color of Money.


Matt Bomer (White Collar) is cast in a Monty Clift biopic. According to Bomer's IMDB page it is in pre-production for 2016.
