The Matchmaker

Any thoughts on this episode? It doesn't get talked about all that much, my guess would be because it's sort of forgotten coming right in front of the Hollywood arc. I think it's pretty funny, if a bit harsh; Ricky and Lucy's fight here was one of the worst they ever had.

The gag at the end with Ricky pouring his heart out to who he thinks is Lucy is hilarious.


One of my super faves!! Ricky, though, is unnecessarily mean. Lucy's acting out the following morning is totally understandable.

Fred and Ethel's entrance just after Lucy storms off (very rude in front of her guests, btw) is delicious (Fred: "Stop leaning on me, you weigh a Ton!", lol!).

This was still the period when Lucy's hair was very dark. It would be lightened for the Hollywood storyline.


A favorite of mine too. Lucy did spring the dinner on him without warning, so she shouldn't have been so angry when he wanted to turn in early. He did have a recording session in the morning. But gee, the guy worked in a nightclub! You think he'd be used to an "occasional" late night!

He was pretty insulting to Lucy when he described what marriage was "really like" to Sam. No wonder she fixed Ricky a glass of juice pits and a cup of mud! Their whole fight was hilarious though.

edit...I had to watch this one again a few nights ago. But there's always that one detail that puzzles me at the end. Lucy is waking Ethel all night long to report that Ricky wasn't home. Then after they laugh at Ricky and a telegram arrives from Sam and Dorothy that they were going to give marriage a try. But it was 3:00 A.M. Who sends a telegram in the middle of the night???
