Triva Question

First, this is my new screen name (formerly being gbennett5).

Trivia Question:

In "Ricky Has Labor Pains", there is an obvious (especially with restored prints on the DVDs),
but oh-so-charming "goof" in the opening scene when Lucy tries to rest in the big chair
while Ricky takes out the garbage.

Any guesses?


I've seen that episode a hundred times and I couldn't think of any "goof" offhand. So I had to get out my DVD and watch it. (you're thousands of miles away and you control my life! ha ha).

The only thing I could think of was the cover of McCall's magazine that Lucy was reading. There was a baby on the cover and the headline "I Love Lucy".

I do remember seeing that before. Is that what you meant?


Ta-da! You got it. It's a cute "goof" as it was obviously done in a deliberate tongue-in-cheek fashion.


Thank goodness! The last trivia question you asked had me guessing about six episodes before I finally got it!
