Lucy Gets in Pictures

Does anyone else think it's odd that the movie Fred and Ethel were appearing in was just never mentioned again, as if the events of this episode never took place? Obviously, it was just a way of moving the plot of this particular episode forward, but still given what how big a deal this apparently was, you'd think it would have come up again. They could have even tied it in with the Ethel's Hometown episode by having Ethel mention something about the movie having a special screening in Albuquerque or something.


Maybe they ended up on the cutting room floor.


Uh, no, considering it's throwaway dialogue to further Lucy's isolation from being included, number one.

Secondly, even if they had a small bit of dialogue, or were in the musical number, it is highly doubtful it was so much
of a splash, that it would've called much attention to Fred and Ethel.


Why do you always seem so angry in your responses?

But anyway, in the episode it's made out to be something of a big deal, with Fred and Ethel working on it for two weeks. Of course it was just throwaway dialogue in order to accelerate the plot, I even said that in my OP, but in the context of the episode itself, it seems like it would have been something rather important and significant to Fred and Ethel, yet it's just never mentioned again.


Ethel does seem to be so proud when she says, "It's for two whole weeks."

But it only serves to further gbennett's point that it's a way to make Lucy feel left out. It was HER dream to get into pictures and the Mertzes land a movie role without any effort.

She tells Bobby the Bellboy, "I feel like an ugly duckling."

As Ken wrote, their scene might've ended up on the cutting room floor. I was actually surprised to learn about some actors who had a role in a film, but they were never in it. Their scenes got cut.

I'd like to think that the Ricardos and Mertzes went to see the movie when it came out and made a big night of it. Just because we didn't see it in an episode doesn't mean it didn't happen. But the show was primarily about Lucy and not Fred and Ethel.


watching this episode right now.. :D
