Fave and Least Fave Hollywood Episodes
The Bill Holden "pie in the face" was a classic. I love the two parter with John Wayne although it's not a favorite for everyone.
I've always loved the Don Loper episode just to see all the dresses and Lucy getting into the fashion show. Years later I liked the episode for a different reason. I read Sheila MacRae's autobiography and the charity in the episode, Share Incorporated, was a real charity. It was her foundation and celebrities donated their time to help children.
The Arnazes and the MacRaes were good friends.
Lucy "going over the wall" at Richard Widmark's home was another favorite. And as a bonus, we saw the front of Lucy's real home.
Lucy pretending to be Ricky's agent was another hilarious episode.
I loved watching Lucy dance with Van Johnson. "I vanced with Dan." lol
My least favorite "star" episode was the one with Rock Hudson. He was totally wasted in it. The beginning, with the cranky foursome getting on each other's nerves was funny. But later in Palm Springs, Lucy was so out of character. She knew Rock Hudson was staying in a nearby bungalow, but she made no move to meet him. She just moped around the hotel room.
Lucy did a lot of crazy things but she didn't mope. She was too passive in this episode. She went to crazy lengths to meet Cornell Wilde, but this time, nothing.
The episode when they gave Ricky a party to celebrate the end of his picture was a downer. Fred complaining about how much the caviar cost him! Really! You just got a free vacation, stop being such a tightwad for once. I always felt that the episode left something out, namely, the title of the film that Ricky finally made! Were the writers afraid that the audience would think it was a real picture and start looking for it in theaters?
The whole buildup to Hollywood was great, but then it just fizzled out.