Lucy's Last Birthday
How bad is this episode? I've never really enjoyed it, but I recognized how truly awful it is
recently when I gave it another go. Despite the presence of Mrs. Trumble, who is
charming here - attentive, kindhearted and cute...the episode just falls flat, thanks to
terrible pacing and a Lucy here that is waaaaaaaaay too self-pitying and childish. It is also
rather unbelievable that Ricky would risk Lucy's wrath by totally ignoring her birthday, then
calling her at night and expecting her to travel all the way down to the club to deliver
music, when he knows how (understandably) hurt she'd be. Why couldn't he have given her
a card and candy in the morning, then ask her to come down to the club with the sheet
music and they'd go to a fine restaurant from there?? She'd be properly dressed and totally
floored by the party when she got there. Ricky's brainless choices defy common sense.
In the second half of this thudding bore of an offering (which feels like 45 minutes later),
Lucy is sitting alone in the park (A single young woman alone in Central Park??? Pretty
dumb and dangerous - even in 1953). Out of the blue, comes this marching band of
self-pitying bores - totally contrived. The scene is long and dull, and the old man and
his speech go on FOREVER!
Finally, when Lucy arrives (as if even Lucy would track in all those losers to disrupt Ricky's
show), she makes a complete fool out of herself. Again, even by Lucy's standards, her
behavior here is embarrassing.
Here's the odd part: The last five minutes or so conclude with the charming "I Love Lucy"
theme song - with lyrics! - sung by Ricky to Lucy , as all her friends well-wish her. It's
a charming finale to a totally dog of an episode.
Very, very few "I Love Lucy's are wince-inducing bad, but count this as one of the few.