this is a COMEDY??

I am 30 mins into watching this movie. How is this a comedy? Billie isn't funny at ALL, I feel sorry for her. She comes off as a meek, melancholy, abused woman.


How old are you, OP?


^. Right. Thirty minutes into a movie and he had to get online and "share."


If the gin rummy game scenes don't make you laugh you need help.

"Make me a baby!
Make me a star!
Leave my coffin slightly ajar!"
- Lesley Gore


You would need a very good grasp of mathematics to be that good at rummy. Hardly "dumb".


j_hughes2000, i'm in complete agreement with you. it's a shame that people on this board are so quick to go for the jugular just because someone has a different opinion.


Well.....we watched it last night, I'm trying to see all the Academy Award winning performances before I die - and I confess, I loved it. Judy Holliday was absolutely fantastic, and that was not an easy character to portray.

However to be fair to the OP - while my MOM and I sat there loving ever minute of it, my DAD walked out of the room about 20 minutes into the film, declared it "Boring" and then went to the den to play his guitar!

So like all movies I guess....not for every taste!

"the best that you can do is fall in love"


I am 30 mins into watching this movie. How is this a comedy? Billie isn't funny at ALL, I feel sorry for her. She comes off as a meek, melancholy, abused woman.
Hey, it happens. Not everyone's going to like everything and that's fine. Comedies are especially tricky because there are many different types. Topics can also present a problem. Comedies often address serious subjects; subjects some people may consider 'no laughing matter.'
