I am going against my values by commenting in this thread, but ...
Why comment on a thread initiated by an obvious Internet troll? Most every classic movie fan knows in their hearts that The Asphalt Jungle is one of the best crime/noir films ever made. Why fall for the trap? Scattered throughout IMDb you find these abominable threads. You have trolls claiming Citizen Kane stinks, Casablanca sucks, The Maltese Falcon is boring and The Asphalt Jungle is painful to watch.
Other threads about the same movies initiated by knowledgeable fans many times receive a handful of responses, yet threads begun by trolls with no appreciation for the movies in question get loads of comments.
The Asphalt Jungle is a great movie. I've watched it dozens of times throughout the years and I never get tired of it. It's fascinating, and I rank it as my favorite John Huston movie. And that's saying something, because he made a lot of great ones. I showed my 14-year-old son the movie recently when I received the Blu-ray and he loved it.
Don't fall for the trap. When you see a thread title that you know is designed to get under your skin, don't comment. Let it fester like the garbage it is until it drops out of site. Stop feeding the trolls.