MovieChat Forums > The Asphalt Jungle (1950) Discussion > This movie is painful to watch

This movie is painful to watch

I watched this movie because I saw someone post that it was way better than Stanley Kubrick's The Killing and let me say it was not, it came nowhere close to it.
Once the robbery happened it became so painfully slow and long that I could barely watch and kept seeing how much time was left on it. By the time the scene came on with the girl dancing at the diner I wanted to hang myself. If you come across this movie and are considering watching it DON'T. Do yourself a favor and watch The Killing instead


The Asphalt Jungle is a brilliant movie. The original poster is an imbecile.


The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.


I'll admit that I didn't like "The Asphalt Jungle" all that much until my second viewing, whereas The Killing impressed the hell out of me the first time I watched it. But is "The Asphalt Jungle" a slower paced, more character-driven film than "The Killing"? Yes, it is. Kubrick's film is terrific, but it's certainly easier to appreciate.

Anyway, the 1950 classic is a great film that set the standards for future heist films to come, so it deserves its accolades.

You want something corny? You got it!


I did not read through all of the comments, so mine may be redundant. However, I noticed a point that needs to be emphasized.

The name that the OP comments under is "ilikethemoneypit." Have you seen "The Money Pit," with Tom Hanks? I like Tom Hanks and most of his movies. The plot of "The Money Pit" was done starring Jack Benny in the 1930s and called, "George Washington Slept Here." A similar plot was done starring Cary Grant in the 1950s called "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House." Both of those were much better than "The Money Pit."

Some people under 30 and some under 40 simply cannot abide any movie made in black & white, or in 35 mm, or without CGI. I have not watched "The Money Pit" all the way through and I consider that time saved (the part that I skipped). The critics panned it and it lost money. That does not mean that it does not have a saving grace somewhere, but it does suggest that the OP has atypical taste in movies.

"The Asphalt Jungle" is a source example of a great film noir.

The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.


I am going against my values by commenting in this thread, but ...

Why comment on a thread initiated by an obvious Internet troll? Most every classic movie fan knows in their hearts that The Asphalt Jungle is one of the best crime/noir films ever made. Why fall for the trap? Scattered throughout IMDb you find these abominable threads. You have trolls claiming Citizen Kane stinks, Casablanca sucks, The Maltese Falcon is boring and The Asphalt Jungle is painful to watch.

Other threads about the same movies initiated by knowledgeable fans many times receive a handful of responses, yet threads begun by trolls with no appreciation for the movies in question get loads of comments.

The Asphalt Jungle is a great movie. I've watched it dozens of times throughout the years and I never get tired of it. It's fascinating, and I rank it as my favorite John Huston movie. And that's saying something, because he made a lot of great ones. I showed my 14-year-old son the movie recently when I received the Blu-ray and he loved it.

Don't fall for the trap. When you see a thread title that you know is designed to get under your skin, don't comment. Let it fester like the garbage it is until it drops out of site. Stop feeding the trolls.


"I'll admit that I didn't like "The Asphalt Jungle" all that much until my second viewing, whereas The Killing impressed the hell out of me the first time I watched it. "

I was going to say something along these lines. TAJ didn't live up to its reputation for me. It's too long and it drags. I watched All About Eve the night before and that movie's pace does not make you feel the 2hours and 20 minutes.

I might need to watch it a second time, maybe I'll appreciate it better but I loved TK after the first viewing.
