I know there weren't too many; only one actual season, but anyway:
1. TV or Not TV. Ed Norton and Captain Video--funniest moment ever on TV!
2. Rita--the boss' wife
3. Norton is injured at work
4. Ralph tries to learn how to golf
5. Taxman
6. $64,000 question.
It's impossible to pick just a few favorites. Some of the episodes had some of my favorite barbs delivered by Alice. 'Alice and the Blonde' with Rita is one such episode.
Rita-You pick your husband's outstanding feature and find a name for it."
Alice (to Ralph)-"Isn't that a good idea, Tubby?"
Rita says that Ralph is a treasure.
Alice- "If he keeps this up much longer, he's going to be a BURIED treasure."
Alice- "If he keeps this up much longer, he's going to be a BURIED treasure."
It's not just the line, but the pronunciation of "treasure" by Rita and Alice (imitating Rita) that really delivers the goods on that barb. One of my absolute favorites.
"Young at Heart"- Ralph on skates! lol
My wife laughs hysterically at the scene with Ralph on skates with the coffee. She always loved the physical humor but strangely hates the Stooges (I'm not a fan either).
Yes, Alice delivers the line as buried TREA-sure! So funny.
Ralph has a great line the next day when Alice greets him from work in a tight skirt and starts flirting with him.
Alice: I call you killer, because of slay me.
Ralph: And I'm calling Bellevue 'cause you're NUTS!
In "Young at Heart", I always thought that Jackie Gleason must've been good on skates in real life. How else could he have done that scene with such control?
The same thing is true when he tries to learn how to golf (in the kitchen of all places). I didn't notice it until I was older that he knows how to grip the club correctly and he has a great swing.
Jackie Gleason was a serious golfer. I wonder if it was hard to try to look like he didn't know what he was doing.
I was a big Stooges fan when I was a little kid. To this day I laugh if I see one of those pie throwing scenes. It's so juvenile, but I laugh.
My brother-in-law was a Stooge fan when he was a kid. He used to act out some of their scenes. It got so bad that his dad would forbid him from watching the Stooges for weeks at a time. He couldn't take all the "nyuk nyuks".
Love the IRS episode where Ralph is planning to go to Fred's Landing for a camping trip (where they discovered a snake in their tent last time). Ralph is ranting because he thinks he is going to get a reduction on his income tax return that will affect their trip.
Alice deadpans: “We’ll just have to cut down, Ralph. Tell Fred to give us a cheaper tent with a smaller snake."
Listing favorite Honeymooners episodes is like eating potato chips, you can't stop at one.
The IRS episode- the horse with the clock in its stomach! Funny thing, we never saw that clock in the Kramden apartment.
Better Living Through Television- the Happy, Handy Housewife Helper! "It can core A apple"!
The one episode where I sided with Ralph over Alice was the one where her mother visited and she insulted and badgered Ralph and Alice didn't defend him.
"YOU are a blabbermouth!!"
My favorite one might just be the episode with Thelma the maid.
Ralph- She's a career girl.
Alice- My career is stuffing jelly into donuts.
Thelma- If you have late night snacks, I don't do no cleaning up in the morning. And this boy looks like he has plenty of late snacks."
OK, last one, but it's an observation. Ever notice that no matter what dance Ralph is doing, it ultimately degenerates to the three-move-Kramden dance? Could be a waltz, or it could be the Mambo...
Jackie Gleason has the same moves (if you can call it dancing, ha ha) every time he "dances".
He did something similar if you recall during the opening of his hour long show. He'd chat with the audience and then do his, "And away we go" move off the stage.
Interesting thing I read about the actor who played Carlos in the episode. He couldn't dance at all so he took some lessons before he did the episode.
When I learned that, I looked closer at his "dance moves". He is obviously no dancer. His movements are very stiff.
Carney's line - "Don't be so formal. Call me Eduaardo" was ad libbed. He was just supposed to say Edward.