

So, then, was a white Tarzan racist when he told Jane that "Me Tarzan" in the same era?


Somebody will think it is. Never mind that with both Tarzan and Tonto, it could simply be that they just didn't speak much English.


Today SJWs are the racists. "Straight white male" is a hate speech, "Check your priviledge" is intimidation.


As you said, times were different then. It's rather unfair to judge long-past events by today's standards. There are uncountable things from decades ago that are completely unacceptable today.


Absolutely. Yes, it's true there are so many things from the past that are unacceptable today. Sadly, some of those things are still lingering.


I read Clayton Moore's autobiography not too long ago. He said he always insisted that the Lone Ranger and Tonto were equal partners. Each had skills and talents that contributed to their success as partners. Interestingly, on that show back then, the actors had almost no say in their characters or dialog. They were not allowed to change one word, although Clayton Moore recalled one time he got away with a very slight word change.


Also, Tonto in Spanish means "dumb"! Shame on the writers of this show.


Or in Uganda, it's a traditional fermented beverage made from bananas, according to Wiktionary.


According to the writers of the radio show, which started years earlier, Tonto has a better meaning in an Indian language, maybe Pottawatomie if I spelled it correctly.

And there actually were a group of Apaches and Yavapais called the Tontos by the Spanish, because they always acted dumb when Spanish soldiers came around to ask about stolen livestock.
