Girl Bea innocent?

I just watched this movie (never even heard of it before). I thought it was pretty good.

However, I had the feeling when we first meet Bea (the young daughter) that she was aware of what Daddy was doing and basically condoning it.

Maybe it was just faulty acting or directing at that point where Bogie says he'll take the milk to her mother, but it seemed she was complicit in her mother's murder.

However, the rest of the movie doesn't necessarily make me think so. Am I missing something?


This movie is in the vanguard of faulty acting.


She was just innocent. She accepted things readily throughout. Clearly growing up with her father around she was accustomed to strange, sudden shifts in behavior and circumstance, and it seems she learned to deal with them with aplomb.

I thought the girl was very good in it myself.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


The girl seemed oh-so-very-precocious, so I suspected she was in on something. What adolescent ever spoke like that, then or now? I had a serious "Bad Seed" vibe with her, but alas, I was wrong.


She was younger than an adolescent. All English children in the movies are precocious, except the Cockney kids, who are tough and cheerful.


I just saw the film, children characters who are wise beyond their years can be very annoying to me at times, I felt like telling her, " either go play hopscptch, jump rope, or have a tea party ".


I was expecting a twist.
