MovieChat Forums > Out of the Past Discussion > "I'm sorry he didn't die..."

"I'm sorry he didn't die..."

The ultra cool Mitchum casually replies, "Give him time."


This is going off on a tangent, and while I do like Mitchum’s movies, I’ve never seen Out of the Past.

Yet, I will say that I was watching a YouTube video of GQ having Mark Ruffalo break down his “iconic” roles (Kids Are Alright, Foxcatcher, Zodiac, Spotlight, HULK...13 Going On 30), and he mentioned how on Shutter Island, Marty Scorsese wanted Mark and Leo to watch all these old noirs, including Out of the Past, I’m pretty sure.

Anyway, Ruffalo just asked Scorsese if he could just act out his character using a Robert Mitchum impression. Martin Scorsese told him, “Uhhhh...yeah sure, try whatever you want!”


" Don't be sorry, be smart. "


that's not the way to win.
is there a way to win?
there's a way to lose more slowly.


"Hello Joe. I wish it was nicer to see you."
