
There are a couple of inconsistencies, maybe even mistakes, in the flashback sequences. When Nick Adams describes the meeting of the Swede and Colfax at the gas station he says that he thought that the car was a Cadillac but I am just about positive that the car that appears onscreen is actually a Lincoln. Later, in the scene set in the prison cell, some of Charleston's astronomical information is wrong. He says that the constellation Orion is also called the "Great Bear" but it is in reality called "The Hunter". He gets the location of the star Betelguese right and correctly describes it as a red giant but he incorrectly states that it is the brightest star in the night sky. I was wondering if anyone else had noticed these things or any other possible mistakes.


One would expect such a pedant to know how to spell 'Betelgeuse' correctly. I guess nobody's perfect, including film makers.


It looks as if this thread is dead but I just saw this film for the first time tonight. I think it is a great work but, since we are speaking of mistakes, I would like to point out that in the scene close to the end, when the police car is headed to the 'shoot-out, the cop/driver never took his hands off the wheel when told to kill the siren. A small mistake (nitpick) and possibly the siren was controlled like the 'brights' button on the floor.

"When I nod my head hit it with the hammer."


Noticed that too and came to the same conclusion, siren must be foot-operated.


i noticed another obvious 'goof'. When Colfax knocks out Riordan, you will notice when he is laying on his right side, there is clearly blood cursing its way down the left side of his neck. Yet in the next scene, there is not so much as a 'Band Aid' on his head/neck. jus'sayin'


I remember seeing a band-aid, actually.


Picky, picky, picky.

Btw, I knew that Betelguese is not the brightest star.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.
