MovieChat Forums > Meet Me in St. Louis Discussion > Tootie is annoying and disturbed!

Tootie is annoying and disturbed!

While I usually enjoy Margaret O'Brien, I cannot stand her character in this film! Yes, her eccentricity MAY be seen as a way to get attention, I cannot believe the way her family is so quick to dismiss her "cute" behavior.

The Halloween scenes could have been completely removed from the film and not have it effect the overall feeling. First of all, who are these parents that let their 5-10 yr olds run around wild on Halloween, lighting bonfires, and throwing flour in their neighbors' faces?? The scene that irks the living daylights out of myself, my sister and mother is when Tootie is retelling the story of the stuffed dress that was placed on the trolley tracks!!! Dozens of people could have been killed and Tootie's punishment is only ONE kind of ice cream? Meanwhile, Agnes calls Rose a "snob" because she is shocked that her sisters were involved in such a dangerous prank! Why did the filmmakers bother with this? This is ridiculous and one of the most irritating scenes in film history.

Anyone else find the Halloween scene obnoxious and irritating?!?


I thought that she was a creepy little child... burying her dolls because they get sick and die.... that is creepy.... and then saying her neighbour was trying to kill her just so she wouldn't get in trouble? that's just awful... It annoyed me that everyone in the movie treated her as so cute, sweet and innocent and over looked her weird behaviour...


IMO without that creepy little child (and the Halloween scene) this would be just another movie not a near masterpiece that it is now.


Even in the historical era of the film, wouldn't it be likely that a guy accused of assaulting and "trying to kill" a little girl might--at the least--be questioned and held for investigation?

Why would THAT be considered harmless 'fun' in ANY era?

This characterization/plot point disturbed me even when -I- was a little girl in the 50s. I couldn't IMAGINE my parents merely wagging a finger and letting me get away with this kind of nasty, destructive behavior.....

I love Margaret O'Brien and have always enjoyed her talent, but I've always felt conflicted about this particular story element.

P.S. Older sister "Agnes" ALSO was a brat in need of some moral/ethical instruction.


You and your entire band of Tootie-haters are insane. Its a comedy, moron, not a lesson in child-rearing. She should have put you on the trolley tracks.

"Dogs bark . . . when the elephant passes." - - Sir David Lean


This is what the dir Minnelli wanted!


Dear oh dear. When all else fails resort to name-calling. That'll prove you're right, won't it?

Who's the moron?


Funny post. I am sure that every day you get down on your knees and thank God. Lol!!

"We accept you, one of us! Gooble Gobble!"


Well, Tootie was quite an impressionable child, so she may have learned that twisted sense of humor from her older brother or somewhere.

If anything, I thought her sister Agnes was even more disturbed!

No matter where you're from, your dreams are valid- Lupita Nyong'o
[Formerly CosmosX9]


The scene is intentional for Minnelli. He is portraying, years before Lynch, the small town horror and familiy dysfunctionality. The scene is one of my favorites and in many ways, Burton's movies pay homage to that scene and the movie's contrasted cinematic environment of love and death.

There are fine undercurrents of alcoholism, violence and incest in the movie.

Notice how Garland's character is only attractive to the male after she beats him.

IMO a true gem. The ending is dooming and cinematic - the lights of the fair being dully replicant of NY.

"You couldn't be much further from the truth" - several


Wow I totally agree!!! I couldn't believe it as I was watching this again. Not only that, but she falsely accused John of assaulting her and she was obsessed with blood and violence and drunkenness all through the movie...who WROTE this movie?

You can't even blame it on the times, it's just bad writing and poor taste. Terrible movie!

Who invented liquid soap, and why?


My take on this is that Vincent Minelli realized what a talent Margaret O'Brien was and expanded her role.



I was always convinced that Margaret O'Brien would eventually wind up on the list of Hollywood (child star) fatalities. I am surprised to this day that she did not.

Apparently, she really was acting.

Happiness often sneaks through a door you didn't know you left open.- John Barrymore
