MovieChat Forums > The Best Years of Our Lives (1947) Discussion > Dana Andrew's scene at the airplane grav...

Dana Andrew's scene at the airplane graveyard

I think this is one of the powerful scenes ever filmed. What hit me was the fogged plexiglass window: The view from the outside made Dana appear like a ghost while the view from the inside made the exterior look like a memory that is fading.


That was my favorite scene in the movie especially when the supervisor from the salvage company told him that it wasn’t junk and the material was going to be used to build family homes.


Chilling scene. Genius. Loved it. Damn.

All of those useless war relics from the US AF being trashed.
Fred(Dana) was thinking they're like me.
Then the foreman told him that they are being recycled into homes.
Now Fred(Dana) can leave his past behind and start over.



That's a really good way of describing it. I guess it was his way of saying good bye to the war and all those memories. Without overdoing it, a very well acted and directed scene.
