Best Line In The Movie

It's when Jonathan and Dr. Einstein are adding up their murders and Jonathan states that "He wouldn't have died from pneumonia if I hadn't shot him"


Niagara Falls? Let it!


When Mortimer came across a childhood picture of Jonathan and commented on his face.

"I remember he used to scare grown ups with it."


Love this thread. It makes me want to watch this movie again! 😊


I saw that you bumped this up on the trending bar. I loooooooove this movie. It's a gem. The cast and the writing are just the best. Reading some of these lines makes me laugh out loud.


I love this movie too. I have a copy of it and I watch it every once in awhile. So funny!

I read that Cary Grant didn't like his performance in this film, thought it was too "over the top". But that's just what the situation called for!


That's too bad since his performance was perfect for this role!


I find a different funny line every time I watch it.

Mortimer opens the window seat and sees a body. "Hey mister."


Yep, good one!


Another one I like that hasn't been mentioned, "A guy gets mad at being called Boris Karloff and you don't automatically think he's crazy! What's the matter with you?"
