MovieChat Forums > Kings Row (1942) Discussion > SUPERMAN (1978) theme

SUPERMAN (1978) theme

It's often commented on that John Williams took his inspiration for the STAR WARS theme from KINGS ROW. And where, yes, the STAR WARS theme is very similar to KINGS ROW, the score that outright rips KINGS ROW off is really the SUPERMAN theme.



I recognize that repeating line (I don't know the proper musical term) too. I don't know that I would go so far as to call it a ripoff (rip off?), though. Composers are influenced by many things and stick in bits from other pieces. One example is Dvorak's "New World Symphony." By coincidence or design it is also called his "Ninth Symphony" and borrows bits from Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony." Critics point it out and how Dvorak works it into his piece, but they don't call it a ripoff.

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I was just watching this film and there was a part, I think where the three kids were swinging on the rings, that I noticed that the music sounded like one of those themes.
