
I watched this wonderful movie (Casablanca)last night and I really liked it! The cast was great: Humphry Bogart, Ingrid Burgman, Paul Henried, Peter Lorrie, Sidney Greenstreet, Louise Ranier, Conrad Veit, Dooley Witson, Madeline,Lebeau, and Leonard Kinsle were a wonderful cast! I liked the last scene where (Rick) Humphry Bogart,made the decision to put Ilsa, on a plane to make her leave Casablance, with her hysband Victor Lazzlo. I highly recommend this mmovie!!!


Same vapid post you’ve made for the last four years on every movie on which you’ve ever commented. Watched a famous movie last night, list the cast members, and recount the last scene with no spoiler warning. What is your end game here?


I thought this must have been a bot but they made a few typos in this one. Guess someone just really likes recommending movies?


When you recommend a movie you generally dont explain (spoil) the final scene only


Bots can be and are programmed to make typos to fool people.


Very interesting. Any idea what the purpose of this bot might be?


To fool people.


To spoil popular movies for as many people as possible.
