A movie like Casablanca is highly regarded because it was a pioneer in its time, - christophe92300
Casablanca was not a "pioneer in its time"--it was just another Warner Bros. production-line melodrama, albeit on the A-list production line, and considered to be nothing special by the studio. To me, the most extraordinary aspect to the film is how ordinary it was until all its elements--script, performance, music, etc.--fused into an exceptional film.
Following its release, both as a late-1942 premiere and as an early-1943 general release,
Casablanca had good--not spectacular--box-office success and garnered positive--not rave--reviews. In fact, Pauline Kael, considered to be the dean of American film critics, dubbed it a "good hack job."
Casablanca's legacy simply continued to grow into the decades following its initial release until it finally attained the iconic status it has now. But from what I've read/seen/heard, no one at the time thought they had a pioneering or classic film on their hands.
"We hear very little, and we understand even less." - Refugee in Casablanca