Casablanca or Citizen Kane?
shareCasablanca or Citizen Kane, it depends on what you are looking for in a movie. Casablanca has a lot more going on and it seems a lot of intersecting stories showing how war tears people apart. Citizen Kane to me is a what is the meaning of life type of movie. They are both excellent. I think Citizen Kane just barely edges out Casablanca in the technical aspects of movie making. But, I liked Casablanca better.
shareHard to choose. It really depends on what criteria you are using to choose between the two. From a technical perspective, I'd choose Kane. From a pure entertainment perspective, I'd choose Casablanca. I think Casablanca is arguably the most entertaining film ever made.
shareWhile both are excellent films, I have to say Casablanca all the way. It spoke to me more than Citizen Kane.
In our struggle to survive the present we push the future further away.
Citizen Kane is magnificent, and ambitious.
Casablanca is human, and noble.
I guess that most people who have, at some point, stood on that platform waiting for that someone, would choose Casablanca. I guess most people who have ever had to look someone in the eye and say something more or less like "We'll always have Paris' would choose Casablanca.
Citizen Kane is glorious in all its technique.
But Casablanca is about real human beings. It's about me and you. And nobility of heart, when it matters.
I choose with my heart; and I always place my bet on number 22.
I prefer Casablanca.
It's hard for me to choose. I loved them both, but perhaps Citizen Kane by a little since it's not in "The Great Movie Ride" in Hollywood Studios like this hallmark film is.