MovieChat Forums > They Died with Their Boots On (1942) Discussion > Who else thought this film was hilarious...

Who else thought this film was hilarious?

OMG I almost couldn't contain my laughter!! I love Callie when she says about the onions that Olivia didn't like but ate anyway because Flynn like them! Oh man I love this movie! Except the ending, it was sad! But overall it was a great film!


True, there was a lot of humor in the first half of the film. It needed it, because things got pretty grim later on! Hattie McDaniel was wonderful as Callie and her scenes with de Havilland and Flynn were priceless.


well if u look at it only from the perspective of a movie it was a good and funny film yes, however it is historically totally wrong of course. nevertheless its enjoyable and shows errol and olivia at their best.


Yeah, as much as I enjoy the film I always sort of cringe at what a hero they make out of Custer, who was no hero....


In the 19th century, Custer was indeed a hero to millions as he was a brave, dashing man during the Civil War and was held up to the youth of the day as someone to be admired.





My, My, you seem to have a bit of a problem discussing this rationally. ALL THE HISTORY BOOKS in the late 1800s and early 1900s lauded Custer's bravery, even the ones that held him responsible for the deaths at Little Big Horn. Try reading a recent history, Son of the Morning Star, and it will tell you about what contemporary America thought of George Custer. I am very pleased that you were "totally offended" by the truth. I am offended when Native Americans insist that everything be seen through their eyes and from their viewpoint only. People like you need to understand that there are millions of others with differing viewpoints that may or may not be more correct that your own. I'll say it again, CUSTER WAS A HERO TO MILLIONS in the 1800s. Are you just a little "totally offended" or a lot? Are you seething in your anger or just simmering? Is your blood pressure up and your eyes extended on stalks? Are you screaming and throwing things? Well, too bad. You'll just have to live with it.


I just want to tack on here that the "Battle of Hanover" depicted in the film was relatively accurate as far as historically based movies of that era go. The actual fight in the town of Hanover on June 29, 1863 was a relatively minor skirmish, but what was shown in the film was a fairly accurate depiction of the battle at the intersection of Low Dutch and Hanover Roads in Gettysburg simultaneous with Pickett's Charge on July 3. (Except that they didn't have running blow-by-blow telegraph reports to the War Department.) If Custer hadn't stopped Stuart's cavalry division dead in its tracks, Pickett's Charge may have succeeded and the Confederacy might have won the war then and there. How does everyone in the revisionist politically correct crowd feel about the continuation of slavery?

From the Gettysburg campaign on through the Battle of Yellow Tavern the next year, Custer essentially neutralized and then eventually killed Jeb Stuart, enabling the Union Cavalry under the overall command of Phil Sheridan (who was only seven years older than Custer and not the commandant at West Point BTW) to dominate the field. (This is a strange thing for me to have to say, as I have a brother-in-law, two nieces and a nephew who are actually descendants of Jeb Stuart!)





by - david-hall7750 on Mon May 15 2006 07:07:01 well said my friend....history is written by the victors. A hugely biased press existed then as to an extent it does today to shape public opinion to protect the vested interest....white industry.

Even a simpleton should be able to grasp that fundamental fact
Well said, my good man. Thanks for weighing in with the simpleton's viewpoint.



by - BoatingShirley on Sat Jul 8 2006 09:14:50 There you go again putting someone down who doesn't agree with you! It's almost comical.
By Wnewman106: Glad to (almost) afford you a moment's amusement. Are you weighing in with the sub-simpleton's viewpoint?







It appears that you and SweetJan may be one and the same person, multiple personalities, I expect. I'll have to see if you have left any comments on the way you were portrayed in the movies Sybil and the 3 Faces of Eve. I brought the SweetJan post back even though the administrator had removed her post because of her (your?) raving inanities so that the rest of the IMDB community could have a good laugh. I know I've had several chuckles over her (your?) postings. Seething? No, I'm smiling as I type. I'll have to show this to my wife and get her clinical opinion on SweetJan's (your?) ravings.
Now, on a day when you have taken your meds (in their prescribed dosages), reread my original posting which said "Millions of people looked up to Custer in the 1800s". Assuming the medicine has kicked in correctly, you will see that that is 1) not an opinion, 2) a fact, as evidenced by thousands of books and articles wriiten in the 1800s, 3) there was no slam on SweetJan (you?) in the posting until she (you?) went ballistic and challenged a historical fact.
Take your time and report me all you want to the administrator. Sounds like the typical Liberal who can't get the congress or the president or the American people to do something your (SweetJan's?) way and who has to run to an activist judiciary crying "they won't let me have my way, boo hoo hoo".
Since you brought it up, I have a MBA, own a company, and have 3 children with my wonderful wife who is an emergency room doctor. I presume you have no children because, as you said, you spend your time laughing at your husband behind his back. No wonder he doesn't find you attractive and married you only for your money.





My grandparents and parents worked hard and took care of themselves and their families. Your typical Liberal position is to take tax money from hard-working people and give it to people who made no provision for themselves. Maybe that flies in California, but around here, it's called "theft".
President Bush a draft-dodger? For your assignment tonight, compare and contrast President Bush's record of service with that of your Liberal icon, Mao Tse-Tung, no, wait...I mean President Clinton's service record. Feeling foolish now? I thought so.
Yes, you may well indeed work harder than the stupid horses in KY, however the smart horses know the trick is to work smarter, not harder. You may wish to observe and emulate. Try not to get in the horse's way.
By all means hang out at the polls. I'm sure you and your helpful suggestions will be given all the consideration you and they merit.
Your kids all live in Hawaii? That's as far away from you as they could get? Someone should inform them that Japan is even farther. And as for selling your house for $2MM, I'm sure your neighbors will be overjoyed to chip in and buy it from you.
You seem to run to your family a lot looking for approval. I may have met your husband once while on a trip to California. I inadvertantly bumped into him and knocked his dark glasses and white cane to the ground. I distinctly remember leaving a dollar in his cup. I understand how he manages to stay with you.
You mentioned global warming. We've had an absolutely delightful summer here, but then we've had a stable supply of electricity, due in part to my company's efforts. How is it in California?
As far as long ago winters are concerned, I hesitate to contradict you on the subject as you've had a lot more winters to contemplate than I have, but we can afford adequate heating and cooling due to the prolonged and continuing benefits of Ronald Reagan's economic policies.
And lastly, I watched Jerry Springer once just to see what the hoopla was about.
Weren't you the Nazi Hooker Who Had Been Abducted By A UFO And Forced To Go On A Severe Weight Loss Regimen? If that wasn't you, it is an eerie coincidence that your syntax and grammar appear identical to her's.



Dear Bloating Squirrelly: You prove the old truism "You can always tell a Liberal...You just can't tell them much." Yes, you are oozing compassion...with other people's money. On the surface your statement sounds like a useful penitance, if somewhat late in life, but admit it, the real reason you want to help old people is because, being post-menopausal, YOU are approaching the age when you will be put out to pasture and you want other people to pay for YOU. There is no compassion there, only selfishness.
There seems to a thread of frustration running through your ramblings. I note you make a reference to George, Sr's "young piece". As you are no longer young and were never anyone's idea of a "piece" anyway, the idea seems to gall you no end. I would think you would have gotten used to disappointment by this time as nothing seems to have worked out for you and you are quite bitter about it. I'm terribly sorry for you, but it is not my job nor the government's to see that you are made to feel adequate in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Where was your much vaunted compassion for innocent women, children, and young boys (you left out old people, minorities, and people visiting from out of town), when Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) lead us into WWI? (were you working at the polls then?) How about when FDR (Democrat) lead us into WWII? Did you cry big crocodile tears when Truman, (Democrat) engaged in a war in Korea? I searched the names of prominent anti-war protestors (Bloating Squirrelly is conspicuous by its absence) for your influence, to no avail, when Lyndon Johnson (Democrat) embroiled us in Viet Nam. Did you collect money for the orphans of Somalia, Kosovo, and Bosnia when Bill Clinton (Democrat) attacked them? Appearently not, so why the new found righteous indignation when President Bush strikes against Terrorists AFTER THEY'VE ATTACKED US? What is it you're not telling us? Are you hiding something?
Keep writing back as I'm enjoying every minute of exposing your hypocrisy. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.



If "Brevity is the Soul of Wit", you have neither. Maybe you should just go back to knocking George Custer instead of George Bush. (Did some man named George spurn you? Or knock you up? Might explain a few things). Listen up. The ship has sailed. President Bush was elected twice and there is nothing you can do about it. You're fighting history, you have already lost and all your incessant whining and complaining will change not one jot or tittle of that history, whether it's George Custer, George Bush, or George Washington.

Wow. Seems I struck a nerve about your age. Better take some medicine.

WMDs. On June 23rd, Rep. Hoeksta and Senator Santorum released the news that 500 WMDs had been found in Iraq. They were shells filled with mustard gas and Sarin. The Liberal media glossed over that and only reported it once. The news meant that 1) President Bush was right; 2) President Clinton and Madeline Albright were right that Saddam had WMDs; 3) the UN arms inspectors had the wool pulled over their eyes as they had been there all along; 4) you and other Liberals don't have the class to admit when you are wrong.

FYI: I am a conservative Libertarian who votes Republican only to keep people like you out of power. I was not in favor of a long, drawn out war, but now that we're in one, I want us to win. What do you want? Saddam still in power? Idi Amin? Hitler?

In a better world, Liberals would support our country and our armed forces instead of mouthing platitudes while giving aid and comfort to our enemies, but that will never happen and our country will have to fight our external enemies as well as a traitorous 5th column inside our own borders. Your name calling avails you nothing (called me a Troll, was it? How did YOU get on this thread anyway? Trolling, were you?). You were most amusing for a short while, but no longer. You are a burnt out relic of the 60s and, sadly, time has passed you by.

Regrettably, I have no more time left to teach those who cannot or will not learn.

I'll leave you with a thought. There are 2 types of people in the world: 1) Liberals; 2) People with a functioning brain.



I love it when Liberals start frothing at the mouth. Their sad ideology has been disproved and they hate the fact they made a wrong choice in their youth and don't have the intelligence or the class to admit their mistake. Socialism has never worked in the history of the world, but Liberals always think it would work this time if only THEY were in charge. The country as a whole has seen the damage that 40 years of Extremist Liberalism has done to our society and has taken a sensible turn back toward the center where the country should be. Note that the State Governorships, House of Representatives, the Senate, the Presidency, and now the Supreme Court has turned more Conservative because of the excesses of the Extremist Liberals. I'll bet you cry yourself to sleep at night, gnashing your teeth, and dreading to face another day because the country just doesn't see it your way.
I note that you have advocated attacking Saudi Arabia because of 9-11 and now you're saying North Korea needs to be attacked also. Plus you want the "Butcher of Baghdad" to still be in power? To "keep his people in line" by rape and murder? You want the Muslims to continue fighting for another 1000 years? Is there no limit to your mad bloodlust? There is certainly no Christian Compassion anywhere in your postings, no longing for Freedom for other peoples, just pathetic name-calling. Reread your own posts. Nothing there but hatred for this country and its president. Well, as your entire party has no ideas and no leadership, I couldn't expect anything out of a Liberal but the same failed hatred and loud invective.
How old am I? Does it make any difference if you've been shown up and put in your place by a 14 year old or a 50 year old? Either way, you are raving, name-calling, and shouting because you know the country has seen Liberalism for what it is and has soundly rejected it.



My wife says I should stop responding to you as it appears you are reaching a crisis in your psychosis and may do harm to yourself. You're not one of those stalkers, are you? If so, I was just kidding about living in KY. I live in North Dakota. Come visit anytime.
I am indeed saddened by the life you must live. The country has rejected everything you stand for and hasn't recognized your rightful place in the sun. You would think that, as much taxes as we pay, there would be a social worker who could visit you on a regular basis and speak to you in a soothing manner. But sad or not, I have to say I have no use for you Liberal/Socialist/Communists who blame America first and rabidly hate the President. Also denying any news such as the WMDs that were found recently and saying "LIES, LIES, LIES, ALL RIGHT-WING PROPAGANDA" etc. is denying reality (see news article below). You, nor indeed I, have no first hand knowledge of what is in Iraq, but a person grounded in reality would look at all news sources and not scream LIES, etc. when the news doesn't match up with one's predetermined mindset.
To recap this whole discussion, it started when you Trolled onto my inocuous and completely truthful statement that General Custer was looked up to by millions in the 1800s. You rejected that easily verifiable statement and morphed into a name-calling rant about George Bush. I'll be charitable and presume you just got the George names mixed up. Next I gave you some further historical facts which you appear to have rejected, to wit: Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) WWI, FDR (Democrat) WWII, Truman (Democrat) Korea, LBJ (Democrat) Viet Nam, Clinton (Democrat) Kosovo, Bosnia, and Somalia. This lead you into a name calling tirade and an attack on our country and president. You are certainly at liberty to disagree with his policies at the voting booth, but your hysterical ravings in public give aid and comfort to the enemy. You seem to be quite blood-thirsty as you want to go after Saudi Arabia and North Korea and indeed seem to be inciting rebellion here in our own country. I presume the authorities are keeping an eye on you and have deemed you harmless. So far.

Document Details WMD Recovered In Iraq, Santorum Says
By Melanie Hunter Senior Editor
June 21, 2006

( - Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) and Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.) announced Wednesday the discovery of more than 500 munitions or weapons of mass destruction, specifically "sarin- and mustard-filled projectiles," in Iraq.










what does all this have to do with the movie?


by - rkolsen on Mon Jul 9 2007 12:20:35 what does all this have to do with the movie?

The movie was about Custer. How did you miss that?


ha, thanks for shutting him up. i was really getting into the rythmn of your extremely well articulated arguments, and then this jackass comes in with the faux-mature attitude and irritating question that breaks the whole beat. ok ... back to reading your posts. i wish i could see what this other person was reading, by the sounds of it, i'd hate them as much as they seem to hate you!


Hi. I wish I had kept her posts to show you. I didn't know she would delete her posts and run away. Too bad, I was having a good time. She was the usual unthinking liberal who had nothing to argue with except that she was 1/32 Indian and "that white man, Custer, done her and her people wrong". If that was the case, I think 31/32 of her ought to get beat up by the remaining 1/32.


All these speeches remind me of Kirk Douglas, who said: If you want a message
get western union. We go to the movies to forget our problems, if we want politics, we watch CNN.



Custer may have been a hero of millions, but it wasn't because of the reasons presented in the movie. Americans loved Custer because he killed Indians, not because he fought for their rights.


by - robschmidt on Sun Jul 30 2006 04:00:14 Custer may have been a hero of millions, but it wasn't because of the reasons presented in the movie. Americans loved Custer because he killed Indians, not because he fought for their rights.
You may or may not be right. I assign no motivation to long dead people. I only state the historical truth that General Custer was looked up to by millions of people in the 1800s.



Indeed he was a gallant hero then and he remains that today.Do not apply current day political correctness and revisionist history to a true American hero.


excellent point. back then, they were the enemy. plain and simple.


you have to wonder if the script had been written for Danny Kaye



Robert Osborne of TCM says the joke they played on him was fictional. Custer never showed up at West Point wearing all that gold braid with an entourage. Much of the plot was strictly fictional but they invented things that fit in with Custer's actual character or nature.


Custer's arrival at West Point was fictionalized, but the scene during the Gettysburg Campaign where he enters the officers' mess and everyone starts calling him "General" (and he almost starts a brawl, thinking that they're ribbing him) was taken straight out of his own memoirs. But the promotion was legitimate and no clerical error!

Custer was one of three Union cavalry officers jumped up four grades from captain to brigadier general on that day. (Elon Farnsworth, who was KIA four days later, and Wesley Merritt were the other two.) The only other US Army officer I can think of who was jumped four grades like that was Black Jack Pershing (who was a war buddy of the incumbent President and whose father-in-law was a senator).


The music is endemic is any Custer movie as it s Garry Owen, the tune he had the army band play as he marched into battle. It was supposed to shock and surprise the Indians.

Custer was always in trouble at West Point, but I haven't heard anything about that particular joke being played.

On another note, this whole thing between wnewman106 and sweetjan98 is pretty ridiculous. Jan how can you say that Newman is an Indian-hating bigot when they just pointed out the fact that 100 years ago Custer was regarded as a hero - which is true. I see your point about the lies being told about him, but that does not dispel the fact that until the publication of Van de Water's Glory Hunter in 1934 no one had challenged the Custer myth. This film is a testament to the pride Americans took in Custer. He was, a martyr to many people (and that does not mean that I think he was, or that I think he was right). You only need to read the newspaper's response at the time of his death, and the Whittaker biography, Life of Custer. HE WAS VIEWED AS A HERO. Modern times, the civil rights movement and the Vietnam war have changed the view as the world has become cynical and less easily duped.

Empire Records, open 'til midnight, this is mark....Midnight!


Anyway, it's Hollywood fo crying out loud give it a break, it was an enjoyable swashbuvkling film. A historically accurate Hollywood film is almost a rarity.



ambrose has a dual bio of custer and crazy horse,whuch does justice to both men. if everyone was as true to themselves as crazy horse was the world would be quite diffweent.


"Modern times, the civil rights movement and the Vietnam war have changed the view as the world has become cynical and less easily duped."

Indeed. A mixed blessing in my view. I would have preferred "skeptical" to "cynical" but -- alas. Becoming "less easily duped" is, also, a mixed blessing. In a particular sense, less easily duped can mean salvation of a kind, but in the broader sense it can lead to that cynicism you mention which, in its turn, too often leads to a quasi-nihilistic view of a people's goals and priorities. Too bad. Who was it that said, a nation that hates itself cannot long survive? . . . We need all the Alan Swanns we can get.


I loved the ending. I love Errol Flynn but Custard had it coming.


i come from the uk so i have no axe to grind re native american perspectives or any other .... this is a great piece of entertainment. ok, so much of it is hollywood whitewash but the true facts are that custer was a hero of the civil war and was idolised by many, it was fr this he wasadmired and not for 'killing indians', for this action he was villified in the contemporary press and his reputation was tarnished atthat time. he was a tee totaller but he as also vain and ruthlessly ambitious. he was a man of his time but by 1876 that time was all but gone. his actions at little big horn have recently been re-evaluated and most respected historians now admit he was let down badly by his fellow officers. his tactics were sound if they had held their ends up and he had been given the intelligence information he had requested but was withheld from him. custer was not a saint - but he was a very brave and gallant civil war soldier who met his end fighting a tawdry war on behalf of a corrupt government, something he was well aware of and gave evidence to the senate on this very matter. he was also a man of duty and died for that corrupt government. what a waste of a man.


'you look just like a scarecrow'
'i am your pallbearer'


I thought the chaotic scene at the HQ where Custer is promoted to general was right out of the Marx Brothers. I'm sorry if this perplexes people, but I thought that Custer in this movie is presented as much as a fool as a hero. I mean, his entrance to West Point, his block-headed inability to do well there, the way his charge in the Civil War was presented more like blind luck than as military genius...not your typical Hollywood "whitewash" at all.

And remember, the Indians aren't presented as the bad guys. The real bad guys, who the movie presents as driving the Indians into war, are all white. And one other thing: Do you notice who has to be kept away from alcohol, or they'll all automatically get raving drunk? No, not the Indians. The Seventh Cavalry.


DD-931 is right when he says that the Indians are well depicted in the movie,
the film is also very objective in that.
The strange incident by which Custer was promoted brigadier-general is due to the fact that there was a shortage of dashing cavalry officers in the northern cavalry. I like the remark that is a scene that should be good in a movie by the Marx brothers.
Custer was well indeed a hero because of his interferences in the civil war, not because he hated (?) Indians.


custer and his men in the civil war defeated confederate forces on the wane. the rebels horses were spent,horse shoes were even in short supply. custers men also had breech loading and/or repeateing rifles.these advantges caused him perhaps,to overestimate himself. might say he believed his reviews in the papers.





I'm watching this now, and think it's wonderfully amusing! Hattie McDaniel is killing me! She's awesome. Her reaction when the doorbell rang after predicting it from the tea leaves was priceless.



I did, but not in a good way.
