MovieChat Forums > The Maltese Falcon (1941) Discussion > Double Indemnity or The Maltese Falcon?

Double Indemnity or The Maltese Falcon?

I've never seen this, but I've seen Double Indemnity countless times with my grandpa so curious: which do you like more/why?

"Have you ever danced with a refrigerator?"


At first I was going to say hard to compare, but thinking about it, I like the Maltese Falcon. Both casts are superb, but the plot in MF is better.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


Slightly enjoyed the main character here better that Double Indemnity's, but overall I like DI more


Maltese Falcon has better ending, but Double Indemnity is a better movie overall


Double Indemnity, because it's so good at showing how a basically good guy can go down a slippery slope, dragged there by a femme fatale. It's much more noir than Maltese Falcon.

But for my money, Out of the Past will always be the quintessential noir (as well as Mitchum's best role).

It is better to be kind than to be clever or good looking. -- Derek


I love them both, would hate to have to choose. The Maltese Falcon takes place more in its own world, is chock full of fun and interesting characters; and it keeps the first time viewer on his toes from start to finish.

Double Indemnity has a stronger narrative drive, and sometimes things happen outdoors; while the Falcon is set almost entirely indoors. The leads characters in DI are more complex and fleshed out as individuals engaged in an affair and in a murder.

The major players in both films are at the top of their game, but in Falcon the supporting, secondary and tertiary players are all outstanding, while DI's actors, below, the Big Three of Stanwyck, MacMurray and Robinson, are adequate at best.

DI has better music and editing than the Falcon, but the latter feels larger than life due to the tale of the eponymous falcon itself, and its history; and it gives off some unsettling, almost spooky vibes at times, especially where the character of Gutman is concerned.

The Falcon leaves a good deal to the imagination, even at the end, as things aren't tied together neatly. It feels unresolved, and I mean that in (I know this sounds funny) a good way. DI has a beginning, a middle and a knockout ending. When it's over it's over. It's a more grounded movie. There's a concrete quality to it. Falcon's looser. The mystery continues and questions remain unanswered even after the movie is over.


The Maltese Falcon, while not the best of the genre, is perhaps the most purely entertaining film-noir ever made so this film has my vote.


My Top 100 Favorite Films:


The Maltese Falcon for me. TMF is perfectly cast, while Double Indemnity has a few shaky performances. Also, DI isn't really one of my favorie film noirs anyway. TMF is probably still my all-time favorite (and best) film noir.


Double Indemnity by far.
