Dumbo vs. Bambi

Which do you prefer?



Satan is a little man



Wow, that's like asking me to chose between my babies! I will say that they are my two most favorite Disney movies. I always found Bambi and Dumbo to be way more sympathetic and realistic than any of Disney's princesses (including the more modern ones). I thinks it's interesting that they were released so close to each other, and the protagonists were so similar, but the style of each film was so different. I really think Disney animation peaked with Bambi. I've read variously that Walt Disney's favorite was either Bambi or Dumbo, too... interesting that there are varying accounts on that, as if he couldn't decide between the two, either. What's YOUR favorite?

"Ooooo, it's storytime! Let me get my baba." -House M.D.


My favourite.... hard question.


bambi, but dumbo are a great movie too... disney just had something MAGICAL in the first 5 movies... they also had it in the movies after, but the 5 first movies are some of the greatest...


Dumbo would win. He's an elephant. Even baby elephants weigh half a ton.


It's the question I asked myself few hours ago (without having seen this topic). Very difficult, but after all I think I love Dumbo more.


DUMBO all the way


Dumbo definitely


Dumbo. It's more entertaining, vs. artistic (Bambi).



Tough question, these 2 are my favorite Disney movies, with 101 Dalmations in a close second. I can't choose between them. They are both good. I tried to buy them both on video at the same time but had to wait for the DVD bambi release.


Dumbo....durrr. :]


Yes i agree. Dumbo


As far as Disney cartoons go, I think that Bambi and Dumbo are definately unique. I would have to still pick Dumbo just because I feel that people could relate to Dumbo more than Bambi.



Dumbo and Bambi? My two least favourite movies on the planet, but i'd say Dumbo coz at least it has half a point to the movie.


Of the two, only Bambi is on my Top 30 favorite movies, but Dumbo is definately close.

"I love this amphibian."


"Bambi" is my favorite, because "Bambi" is more realistic. It is a cartoon and uses some elements of cartoons too, for example the human facial expressions and speech (and, of course, only the twitterpated-scene is a little step back to the impossibilities and rules of cartoons). But is in so many ways absolutely realistic, the movings of the animals, the forest, the animals are all limited in their actions to that, what real animals can do, death is real death, the limited world of the forest-creatures was never leaved. Even "Man" and his cruel actions was a riddle for the animals. Bambi is not a fairytale: No wonders, no princess to be rescued, no spell to be broken, no villain to defeat, only a poetic depiction of real deer life.
With "Bambi" Disney leaves their own common ways of animated movies, and without the strong influence of Sidney Franklin, "Bambi" would not be turned out so perfect an believable. Both man, Disney and Franklin influenced each other with their ideas. Franklin alone without Disney would had made "Bambi" as a typical MGM-movie, Disney without Franklin a typical Disney-Cartoon, but both together merged to a perfect combination of creativity.

"What happened mother? Why did we all run?"
"Man... was in the forest."


Hard question. Instead of trying to answer it, I bought both of them online about twenty minutes ago.

Now I won't have to choose anymore (:





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