Rite of Spring edit: very disturbing!
I've been enamored of this film since a kid in the 1960s. Long before home video, a friend owned it on 16mm film reels. We watched it literally hundreds of times (in many states, and not only the 50). Anyway, a few years ago I rented it on vhs and discovered something that came as a real shock. One of my favorite segments in the evolution scenario of 'Rite..' is the emergence of Polypterus (fish) onto dry land: a huge event and beautifully done. It is GONE! He/she now makes it to the waters surface and then a fade-out is applied. Why would they (who?) do this? I've viewed many, many dubs since (dvd, other vhs, even a special Disney release) and all are corrupted in this manner. Yet nowhere on the entire www have I found this acknowledged. To me this is as disturbing as the Pastoral edits, perhaps more so. I fear some right-wing religious purge, anti-evolution... but that doesn't make sense because the entire premise of 'Rite of Spring' in Fantasia is the narrative of evolution on this planet. So why object to this single aspect? I don't know. Does anyone have any input about this... anyone out there? Not only is this a very bad thing but I'm truly surprised that it seems to have slipped right by... no mention anywhere. I want my beloved Fantasia intact... and I know that Walt and all involved would feel the same. gracias.