Favorite Character

Who was your favorite character? Mary? Crystal? Edith? Nancy? Miriam?



Love Joan Fontaine!


I pick Mary Boland as the Countess DeLave. The rest of the girls are pretty enjoyable but when they are overacting (often) it is not fun to watch. Every minute with the countess is fun. She seems to be having a great time.


Miriam (Paulette Goddard)....Sylvia (Rosalind Russell....the Marjorie Main character.

I got very tired of the Joan Crawford overdrama, and little Mary drove me nuts with the "mother darling" and "daddy dearest, daddy darling"....granted that was the writer's and the director's fault, but I wanted to slap her.


Nancy and Pat. Pat ran away with the five minutes she had in the film. And Nancy was funny.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!


All of them, but Crystal for sure!! She SO perfectly represents the 'other woman' and her raw brazenness transcends eras to the modern world.

My favorite line is in the confrontation scene in the dressing room when Mrs. Haines tells Crystal that if she's trying to impress Mr. Haines she might want to pick a different outfit, and to that Crystal replies, "If Mr. Haines disapproves of anything I wear I simply take it off."

So risqué!! ;)



Peggy. She was so sweet and cute!! And Sylvia was just hilarious.


When I was younger I always liked Sylvia but now that I'm older I like Mary and Peggy the best. I also like Miriam a lot too!


The Countess (Flora) is my fav. L'mor, L'mor.
I like Mirrium too. The whole second half, from the time they get on the train to Reno - I love it.
When Sylvia and Mirrium are brawling and Margeret Main says "It looks like there relaxed now". So funny.



Miriam! She was just so sassy.


Agreed that it's hard to choose favorites out of all these great performances, but here we go:

Marjorie Main! So much fun and down-to-earth. "Oh, leave 'em enjoy theirselves."

Mary Boland with her marvelous energy and her refrain of "L'amour, l'amour, toujours l'amour!"

Hedda Hopper, with her great deadpan delivery cutting through the chatter.

Virginia Weidler - what a lovely scene she had playing off of Joan Crawford.

Paulette Goddard and Rosalind Russell - oh how much fun Russell is clearly having, and oh, how nicely Goddard dips into her character!

That's just a quick view, but I really enjoy them all.
