MovieChat Forums > La règle du jeu (1950) Discussion > Technically brilliant - but utterly dull...

Technically brilliant - but utterly dull.

I was subjected to this film during a philosophy of film and literature lecture, with commentary from the class professor beforehand that it was 'his favourite film'. However, whilst it is undeniable that the directorial style and the cinematography can be appreciated, as can the semi-historical aspect documenting a time and place, from an entertainment point of view, it is utterly dull. When judging some of these old films the ability to entertain has to rank somewhere on the list. It cannot be given a 1/10, because from a production point of view in the media of film it undeniably has its place in the grand pantheon of classic French cinema, but I gleaned no pleasure whatsoever in the mind-numbingly boring narrative and forgettable plot.


I get your point, and saw your post, almost 10 years later. But I stumble over your 'plot'. What is that thing in a movie; a plot? What is is good for?
What would be the plot in Citizen Kane, or The Exterminating Angel?


I'm in complete disagreement

I was plenty entertained - at the very least it is enjoyable as a decent screwball comedy descending into screwball tragedy. The technical merits on the other hand are nothing special - it is a lot less refined from technical standpoint than the best Hollywood product of the same era.

A solid 8 - could be more if it holds up on a rewatch.
Doesn't touch the near perfection of Grand Illusion though.


I didn't care for it either.


I just watched the new 4k. Yeah, it's a drag to finish it.
