Sometimes a movie just has to make you feel good, sometimes you don't even know why a movie works, it just does even if it shouldn't. It doesn't have to be a document about how politics works, it can be about characters, like this movie is about.
My favorite movies are multifaceted, layered, and complex. They introduce topics and raise issues that both challenge me mentally and touch me emotionally. If I can also laugh, learn something, and be entertained in the process, that's even better.
For me, Mr. Smith goes to Washington contains many of the elements I look for in a movie. While not complex, it does deal with important issues. It educates, entertains; it's heartwarming, inspirational, and makes me laugh.
MSGTW is one of those rare movies that can be understood and enjoyed by a wide range of viewers. Each time I've seen it over the years, its effect on me has been different. It all depended on what I was experiencing in my own life.
Those who find this movie 'rubbish' may want to wait a while and see it again. Perhaps in time they will be more receptive. Whatever was going on in their lives when they saw MSGTW may have interfered with their ability to appreciate this gem and all it has to offer.